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Remember to vote and comment like crazy and also check out my other book, Castaway!:)


Waking up realising I was going to go, crying in the corner, tears flooding from my eyes. The tears dance my cheeks, and me wiping them away constantly. Only a few hours sleeping and all I could think of was Luke. Maybe this is the last time I would see him, maybe what he promised will break? Will I be on my own.

I feel like Im broke, shattered to pieces. I feel so far away from him already, but he is so close. Luke was someone who would always be with me but he never was. I forehead resting on my knees, my arms wrapped around my legs. All I could do was cry. Crying was the only thing I could do. I feel drained, weak and sick. I can't even move.

"Honey, were going soon." My mom says. I didn't pay attention, I don't want to know when we was going at all. I want the day to go so slow I'll remember everything.

"Olivia?" She asks.

"I'm here, I don't want to hear anything but Luke." I say, thinking that sounds way to obsessed or obvious.

"You'll see him soon, you need to go home to the family," she tries and persuades me, nothing is working.

"So this isn't family at all?" I yell.

"Sweetie, I didn't say that," she defends herself in a more mature way and more calmer than I thought.

"You basically did." I laugh, hiding the tears or my voice cracking.

There was a moment of silence. I think she has gone. Maybe she left without me. If she has, good, I don't even what to leave at all. On the other hand, I do want to go home, I haven't seen my closest friends in ages. I haven't even text them much, I've been so touched up on Luke and his surroundings, they hardly came across my mind. That sounds so rude but all I focused on was Luke, they could all be worried sick for all I know. Maybe my mom has messaged them telling them about the accident.

"Babe?" He says grabbing my attention, sitting down next to me. Luke has never called me babe at all.

I looked at him, my eyes are probably blood shot red and black all down my cheeks, I might also looked half asleep. I looked into his blue eyes, memorise coming in and playing in his eyes. My arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him slowly into my lips, pressing hard against his lips. My lips mould slowly against his. Luke's hand travel down to my waist pulling me closer. He lowers me down to the floor as he's on top of me.

His lips left mine, his hands on the floor supporting his body as he was in top of me. "If this is your last day, lets make it the best," he whispers softly into my ear. I feel his breathe against me and it sends me tingles down my spine. His voice drives me crazy, his think Australian accent drives me crazy.

"Make me feel good daddy," I smirked, biting my lip.

"Like always."


His hands tangle up my body, my hands in his hair gripping on tight. His lips hit my neck, sucking and nibbling. My back arches against the floor, grabbing into his hair as I had nothing to hold around me.

"L-Luke," I moan.

"Don't call me that baby girl," he says, making me want him more.

"Sorry d-daddy." I stutter my words out.

"That's right baby girl." He says taking my top off.

His top has been thrown over the other side of the room. My hands sliver down his back, as his lips loved around my body. He kisses my collar bone and down my body. I grip onto his back, as he kisses down my stomach. Luke reaches my sweat pants, pulling them down slowly down my legs. They reach mid thigh and I couldn't handle it anymore. He layered kisses across my thighs and down as he pulls my sweatpants lower, kicking them off my ankles.

He pulled my underwear down, kissing me gently. I gripped on to his hair as he kissed me, swiping his tongue inside me. I couldn't handle it anymore, my body was going crazy, I had goose bumps all over my body, my hairs was standing up. My mind was going crazy about him. He slid his fingers inside me, he started to kiss me up my stomach as his fingers went in and out of my body. His lips finally reached mine, his tongue slid in finding mine as they tangle up together.

The kiss was so passionate, he was so good at making me feel so great inside. I know every time Luke touches me I go crazy and he knows that. Even his lips touching my skin I just want him more than anything. I flipped him on his back as I unbutton his black jeans, kissing down his chest. Luke moans quite load, hopefully no one will actually here us both at all. If they do we are in trouble. Deep trouble.

He kicks his jeans off as trace my finger across his waist. I pull down his briefs as I kiss him, I reach his length wrapping my mouth around it and sucking it inside my mouth. I feel him yelling so much. I love the way I make him feel, he's such s beautiful person inside and out.

"Holy shit... Fuck," he whispers and his voice cracks a lot. Trying to be silent as possible.

I miss Luke so much when he's not around and the fact I won't see him for while again, it's going to hurt. Luke slips on a condom and locks the door. He forgot to lock it before and we got worried about if someone actually came in. As we carried on, he kissed me again, better than ever. My legs wrap around his waist as he slides into me. His thrusts come a lot fast and great, my body feels like it's going to explode massively. My mind goes crazy, my mouth never leaves his, the way he can be so good at everything doesn't even surprise me. every time he has done something before it gets better each and every single time.

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