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I just sat down on the sidewalk, just hiding my head in my knees as Luke sits besides me, trying to calm me down.

"When the last time I saw you when I was young, the last thing I wanted was you to leave for years. That happened. But now I wished that it wouldn't happen again, and now it has." I wipe my tears away, looking towards him.

"But this time, I know where you are, I know where your going to be.I'll be there, I promise," he smiles and moves a stand of hair behind my ear.

"I have school, you don't."

"That won't ever stop me from seeing you though. It will be hard at first but I do wanna see you, I'll try," he says, shuffling his feet on the floor.

"You'll try?" I raised my voice, standing up from the sidewalk. "That's what you said years ago," I huffed.


As I look at Luke packing his stuff into the car, shutting the door before running up to me, hugging me tightly. I put down my bottle, I throw it to ten ground, smiling as I hug him. We separate from the hug and he smiles at me.

"When will you see me next?" I tilt my head, smiling at him as he looks like he's thinking of something.

"I'll ask mom, I'll try, I promise."

"Will you come back?" I ask, crossing my fingers behind my back.

"One day, soon, I'll try." He smiles.


I sat there crying, upset about me leaving and Luke. I hate myself for even getting involved with him. I regret a lot of things, but some things I can't wish they didn't happen. I decide to walk to this small park, I sat down on the swing. Swinging myself looking at my feet on the floor. All I could think of was me not seeing Luke again for another ten years. Since I met him once again we got closer, closer since we was little. I miss every single time I'm not with him, I'm always regretting him leaving me.

Later the sky turns darker, I walk back to the house, retracing my steps back to the house. I open the door and I saw my mom on the couch, she smiles as I pass her, I walk up the stairs, stamping my feet hard against the floor. I got into the room I was staying in and slammed it as hard as I could. When the door slammed shut all I did do was cry, I slid down the wood and planted myself onto the floor, sobbing my heart out.

"Olivia?" A deep voice came from behind the door.

"Go away," I say into my hands.

"Please, we need to talk about everything."

I open the door as Luke comes in sits himself on the bed. He has seen my with my eyes blood shot red and the black mascara under neath my eyes. I wipe away the tears as I look away from him.

"I am sorry, for everything I did to you that hurt. I never wanted too," she stars off.

"I'm crying because I'm leaving tomorrow, I live over three hours away. That's too far." I start crying again, not sobbing this time.

"I know, it's so far. It will be hard, just like when we was little. Please will talk on FaceTime and text each other, well will figure this out." He says with some positivity.

"It's not the same at all."

"But we will speak every day, I'll come down to see you, you'll come to see me, we can meet half way. We can --"

"But it won't be the same as this time. The way we've been closer than ever, you've turned into something else." I stop him from speaking and i say my word before he hurts me a bit more.

"Please be happy, please?" He pleaded.

"Be happy that I'm leaving? I thought you was sad about this too?" I laugh to myself.

"I am trust me, but please I don't want to see you cry." He moves next to me, wiping the tears of my cheek.

"Your the best thing that happened to me, I'll do anything for you to come to see you, anything."


BY Olivia leaving doesn't mean the book is ending soon.

Please look at my new book, it's about Calum, it's gunna turn out great!<333

I will be updating a lot this weekend as its bank holiday monday Monday!

Please vote and comment like crazy, ily guys so so much:)))

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