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"Let's do something... Fun?" He asks jumping himself on to the couch, placing himself right next to me. Luke smirks as he kisses my cheek.

"Like what?" I say, grabbing a magazine and opening it to a random page and pretending to read.

"Don't be rude," he says joking and laughing.

"Pardon? Didn't hear you, too busy reading my favourite magazine."

"I hate you," he mutters.

"Thank you so so much, Luke, you make me so happy." I chuckled, jokily.

I placed my magazine down and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. Luke moved his hand up to my cheek, moving his thumb back and forth. His skin is so soft, shivers travelled down my spine every time he moves his thumb. Luke pressed his lips against my cheek, then to my jaw, then to my forehead and then my temple. He planted kisses all over my face, he trailed down my nose bridge and then brushing his lips against mine. Luke looked at me in the eyes, his blue eyes came closer. His lips pressed against mine, moving with my lips perfectly.

Luke removed his lips from mine and cupped my cheeks looking at me once again. "your so beautiful and you have no idea."

I looked at him once again, gulping before I spoke. "Luke," I started, "just kiss me." His lips crashed into mine, the kiss as always powerful but much more better than ever. I just wanted Luke more, craving him more and more.

My breathing got more heavier every time he kisses me quicker and faster. Luke traced his lips, brushing them against my skin down to my neck, pressing his lips against my neck. I tilted my head so he could kiss my neck better, still craving Luke more and more each time he kissed me.

Luke slightly sucking on my neck, nibbling slightly. Luke moved his hands up from my waist around by my chest area, he kissed my collarbone. His tongue swept across my jaw line. Luke looked back at me smirking at me, before raising his eyebrows.

"Hot tub?"

"Wait, you have a hot tub?" My eyebrows knitted together, Luke never told me that he has a hot tub, he just told me that he just has a pool, well you expect that over here anyway.

"Yes, that's why I said it," he chuckles, getting up for the couch walking to the hallway.

I rose from the couch and ran to the door by the hallway, opening it so I could see Luke. "You've never told me this, Luke, I love hot tubs!"

"Just get changed and hurry up!" He says shouting as he makes his way up the stairs. I went back to living room and turned the tv off and checking my phone for any messages, none.

I made my way up the stairs and entering my room I was staying in for a while. I went through my stuff trying to find a cute and pretty bikini, I searched for while picking up yellow ones and black, until I came across the one I got the other day. It was a lacey pink and black top and the same for the bottoms. I put them in quickly and looked into the mirror that was in the bedroom. I brushed my hair and put it into a pony tail. I finally finished getting ready and looked at my bikini and it was a size to small showing a bit of my chest, I quickly made it more comfortable for myself and headed down stairs grabbing a white towel on the way. I saw Luke standing outside drinking a drink, I walked out and his eyes looked at me instantly.


Hope you like this chapter!!

Thank you so so much for 1.38k reads! It means so much and honestly I didn't even think I will actually reach this far! All I can say thank you so much for reading and voting and commenting:))

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I went to see all time low last night in Cardiff, there are super great performers and I recommend to see them!

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