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There are going to be two in one this. This is the last one:(

Comment what books you'd like to see me write next? You can mention anything expect 5sos if you wish. I really want to write another book so I want to see what you want!


So the school day carried on, slowly. I didn't talk much, I was very much myself. I kept everything that happened to myself. Hundreds of people asked me, well in reality it was only a few. I sat at the back of the bus on the way home. I put my headphones in my ears and listened to my music on the way home. The bus stopped loads of times for a lot of students getting off. I was the one before the last stop as I live a bit far away from the school. If I walked it would of been around thirty minutes walk.

As I got the more later bus as I stayed in school to do extra study. The sun was travelling down the light blue sky, as I walked a long the side walk. The walk was peaceful, I passed a few nice people who smiled at me saying hello. I ended up at this pizza place. I remember when I used to love coming here as a child, this was the best place to go every Friday, this would be when the whole family come together.I texted my mom telling her I was eating out with friends but I was on my own.

I walked through the parking lot, walking past big family cars. I smiled as memorise as me played in my head as I traced the steps back. I smiled whilst I walked slowly to the big red transparent doors. I opened the door greeted by a waiter, he directed me to a seat which was right hidden around the back of the place. He handed me a menu as I scanned my eyes all over.

"What would you like Miss?" He says politely. He as a real Italian accent on him, he seemed young and he was real good looking.

I kept my eye on the menu looking for foods I wanted to eat, it looked like he was loosing his patients. I couldn't pick so I guess I went for something basic.

"Oh yes, can I have a pepperoni pizza with a side of fries please," I say to him as he quickly writes down my order. He walked away and I realised I didn't order my drink. "Excuse me!" I shout for him, he turns around and walks back. I took notice of his badge which says his name, and it said Josh. "Can I have a strawberry smoothie, Josh." He nods smiling more wider at me.

My smoothie came seconds later by Josh. I drunk it slowly which it's annoying because it is an addicting drink to drink, the smoothies here are not forgetful, I always remember to have one each time I come here. I scrolled through my phone, looking at social media sites, getting my mind of everything that has been mad for me the past few days. My phone started to beep real loud, I didn't even know why at all. I turned it down so I wouldn't beep once again and no one will look at me weirdly.

A few moments later just pizza came, it was a regular size, a perfect side for meq. In the end I actually liked my own company, I used to think I was quite boring. I walked out of the restaurant, walking to the park across the road. I sat on the swing, as the sky grew darker. As the sky turned dark. My phone started to beep louder once again, I ignored it. Seconds later, black car pulled up by the sidewalk, I got my oh ins out on the call log for 101. It was dark and I was alone, I was freaked out.

The black car sat there parked for a while my eyes didn't leave the car. I looked around me lots of times and making sure I felt safe and I didn't. I need to go home and keep out of the dark. I was afraid to pass the car, I had no idea who's in it, I have no idea what they'll do. The head lights were still on, they didn't turn off, which was real freaky. Who are they waiting for?

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