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Olivia's POV

As I sit on Luke's lap, I wrap my legs around his waist, I pull him closer to my chest making my our lips mould together a lot faster. As my breathing gets a lot faster, I push Luke down on the bed as I kiss him on his neck. My name came out of his mouth loads of times, it just makes me wanting him more, like I crave for his body.

"Remember we are not at mine," he laughs, gripping on to my waist.

"Fuck," he moans, I kiss him on his neck more powerful.

I bite my bottom lip as I hear him as those words escape from his mouth. Although we just came out of hospital earlier, I'm still in pain and stiff, but that doesn't bother me as much, although the pain does get to me mostly.

"Luke can you stop, I'm in pain," he gets off me and sits on the edge of the bed, grabbing his phone from his pocket. "We just got out of hospital," I laugh.

"So I'm not allowed to miss you then?" He smirks, making me tingle all over my body.

"I don't say that, I'm still stiff from literally staying in bed for a week," I laugh. "I sound so boring but I'm completely exhausted, I'm going to sleep."

I get up from the bed, reaching for the door, twisting it and opening it fully. I walk out and I hear Luke's voice shouting my name constantly. I shop and turn back around, I walk back into his room, crossing my arms across my chest.

"What Luke?" I moan.

"At least stay here," he walks over and closes the door.

"With you? We can get caught, that's a bad idea," I huff as I reach of the door knob.

"That's why a lock was invented," he laughs, as he shuts the door and locks it slowly so it doesn't seem so obvious.

I sit on his bed as I slip my clothes off picking a top from his bag of clothes. I put on one of his tops as he looks at me, I look at myself and I don't get what's wring with it.

"I swear you suit all my clothes," he laughs, turning the main light off keeping the small bed side light on. I go and sit on the bed, putting my hands underneath my thighs.

"Don't touch me tonight because you will drive me crazy, okay?" I say getting into his bed sheets, closing my eyes as I get warm under the warm covers.

"Not even one bit?" He squeals, as he kisses my neck.

"Good night Luke," I sigh, closing my eyes, hopefully getting a good nights sleep tonight as I'm with Luke.

"Not even one tiny bit?" He pleas.

"I said, good night Luke."

As the sun light beams though his curtains, I turn myself over to look at Luke as he sleeps, the little cute sleeper. All I want to do is kiss him all over his body, he makes me so happy, even when he touches me something just lights straight up. As I admire him in his sleep, trailing my finger tips across the side of his face, I kiss him in the forehead trying not to wake him up. As his body moves a lot forward towards me, tucking me towards me as his arm slithers around my waist, pulling my hips closer to his crotch.

"Good sleep," he opens his eyes slightly and me admiring his cuteness.

"Yeah, it was so good," he yawns. "Best sleep I had in a while, also started dreaming about you," he smirks as he kisses my collar bone.

"What was the dream about then," I smile, putting my hands through his hair.

"You, me, flying over the world."


Short chapter, I'm so sorry!
I'm going to update frequently, so now you don't have to wait for me to update all the time:)

If you follow me, you can see what times I'll be updating etc, I'll be so happy if you do follow me:)

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