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Short, but double update! Make sure to vote and comment:))))

As he still lays on top of me, kissing me down my stomach, reaching by my hip bones. Luke grips onto my hip bones as he kisses me down, traveling his kisses down and down. I scream as good he makes me feel, although he has been inside me, we both still keep going, we are both not even exhausted. Although I thought he was warned out we was still going crazy.

His two fingers slid inside me, making me go crazy, pushing his fingers in and out, gripping into the top of the couch, trying not to loose control. All my body hairs stand up, my hair is messed up, my heart is racing and my body craves him every second.

"Daddy, y-your good," I moan, trying to find my words.

"That's what I like to hear." He smirks.

As he finishes with me, it's my turn to surprise him, I kneel down onto my knees, as he stands, wrapping my hands around his length. I bring it into my mouth, sucking it inside of me. Moans left his mouth making me go even crazier, we make each other go mental, it's just surprises both of us how good we both make each other feel.

I finally wake up in a good mood, hopefully we didn't worry our parents. We rush to to ready and rush out the door, crossing our fingers that they didn't notice anything.

As we walk back the way we came, tracing the steps from last night still makes me smile, Luke making me feel great and me doing it to him. As we finally reach Luke's moms place, we saw both of our parents in the kitchen giving us the most craziest looks ever. Holy shit, we are dead.

"Where the hell was you last night?!" My mom says, sighing in relief that we are safe. I look at Luke, trying to tell him to think of something.

"I just took her out and we lost track of time, we ended up sleeping over my friends place," he says, as he walks tweaks stench kitchen, I left standing in the door way, appearing over the kitchen counters.

"That's not good enough, we was worried sick, whatever you might of done, we couldn't even sleep, looking everywhere for you." I look down as Liz seems totally stressed.

"At least we are home," Luke bat chats back to her.

"Luke, don't you dare talk to your own mother like that," she points, Luke showing he's my bothered.

"For fuck sake," he mumbles. I move to the kitchen joint them all together.

"Well cut that attitude, Luke." He pauses, drinking her coffee. "Now we are all together, me and your mom Olivia, decided to you to go home, it's about --"

"You what," I yell.

"It's time to come home," my mom explains, "everyone is worrying about you," she says calmly.

"Mom, I haven't seen Luke in years," I sulk, I hate leaving people unexpectedly.

"Yes you have, for two weeks or more."

"And you think that covers up all those years?" I spat.

"Darling, I know--"

"Don't act like that now with me, all sweet and innocent," I mock. I storm out of the house, followed by Luke walking somewhere I hand no idea. I just needed to think, but all I did was cry, cry and cry.

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