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2 Weeks Before I leave

So it's the last few weeks and I'll finally leave Luke's place, it's been a fun week so far. I guess we've done a lot of stuff and had great times, we've been to many parties with Calum, Michael and Ashton. They where great, and since we've both grew closer Luke and I it's been the best times ever. We've created so many memories and sad times, and now I'll be leaving in a weeks time. Since it's the last two weeks I'll probably be seeing Luke for a while and I probably need to actually spend loads of time with him and the new friends I've made with Luke.

"You okay?" He asks, stroking my hair.

"Yeah, just me leaving in 2 weeks time and not seeing you for a long time because you live so far away."

"I'll see you, I'll come down and you'll see me sometimes." He says, I rose from leaving on his chest and say and turned his way.

"That's not the point Luke. The point it that I might never see you for a long time as for school and I have a lot to do."

"Fuck school," he laughs.

"You what?"

"Just fucking ditch school and come and travel with me, it will be fun, no job nothing, just us."

"Luke I can't just leave everything and come and run away with you, that doesn't work." I sighed, getting annoyed." I can't just fuck school, school is important to me and maybe you didn't try in school, well I want too."

"For fuck sake Olivia," he gets up from the sofa and walks by the counter. "Why do you get offended by the shittiest things!"

"See now who's getting angry," I laughed.

"You make me so fucking angry, it's you!"

"Me? For fuck sake Luke, your not six anymore."

"Just shut up will you!" He says getting angry.

"What is that, you throwing your toys out of the pram are you? Not everyone can do everything you want them to do."

Luke walks off like he always does, getting annoyed and leaving the house and running away. He'll come back when he wants something from me, he's done this too many times and I've had enough, him using me sometimes.


Guys I'm so so sorry, haven't posted in ages

Sorry for the short ass chapter, I'll post the sequel later.

I'm so sorry


Please comment what book you want to see next.

Also I'm so sorry that this book will be ending soon as I don't know if I shall do my chapters because this is a kinky book.


Instagram- @/sleeptightcalum
Twitter- @/Emilyx348

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