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So this is a big chapter but I'm going to try and update a lot. I dont know is how long this book will go on for, but it's I'm planning a lot of things for my other book and other planned books!

ALSO, I'm doing other people's points of views, like Olivia's mom etc
Also new CHARACTERS are coming in like Olivia's brother and others you may read.

Olivia's Mom POV

As I heard the news about my daughter and my nephew, constantly shaking, tears falling quickly from my eyes as I scream for Liz. Liz comes rushing down as I was still on the phone to my son, Joe.

"W-what is it Jayne?" Liz looked really confused, she knelt down by me as I was sat on the couch.

"I-its them," I paused as I needed to breathe. "They've been in a bad accident," I cried, too loud that made everyone in the house hear.

I looked back at Liz and was too busy in shock, she didn't move, she still knelt down looking down at the floor.

Since we decided to move and make our way to the hospital, Joe came and got us all and we made our ways to the hospital. The car journey was quite, tears came from my eyes and maybe Liz as she was facing the window, I couldn't see her full face.

"Have you been there?" I asked concerned to Joe.

He nodded, "yeah, they haven't said anything, there just doing stuff to their faces, Olivia is bleeding up on her head but the doctor said its not bad bad, but it's still bad." He stepped down on the pedal speeding up.

"Slow down," I said holding on his hand on the wheel.

"I need to see Olivia, I haven't seen her, I need too. The last thing I said to her was ages ago," He chocked as the tears from his eyes was about to fall.

We finally got to the hospital and we rushed out of the car to get in. We rushed to the lift to go to the reception area, waiting impatiently on a lift to come.

The lift came, the doors opened and we ran in and pressed the buttons, the lift finally closed. It opened and we walked fast to the reception.

"Hello my daughter and nephew just came in not long ago from a car crash, it's Luke Hemmings and Olivia James." I waited as the receptionist clicked the mouse serval times on the computer.

Finally she go sines looking what she was meant to be looking for, "Yes, Luke Hemmings and Olivia James, level 4 then as a doctor up there and they'll show you." She smiled as we thanked her and ran to the lifts once again.

Joe's POV

I'm very shaky, so nervous about what's going to happen. I had several missed calls from other close friends to the family and missed call from family at home.

The last thing I talked to Olivia was months ago and now regretting leaving her, just over one little stupid argument that went on for months that I had to leave home.


"For fuck sake Joe, you ruin my fucking birthday party, coming in drunk with you fucking shitty annoying friends," she shouted at me, as I just laughed, don't you want more fun to the party!

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