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As he puts the spilled condom back in the packet and into the bin. He gets changed and so do I. We both laugh at each other a few times as we get changed.

"While that was going on, it just reminded me how much I'll miss your touch, everything when I'll go." I sigh, putting on my shirt.

"Same, but I loved it," he smirks, back to dirty Luke is it.

"Is that so daddy," I wrap my arms around his waist, as I whisper to him.

"I love it when you call me that," he smiles, closing his eyes.

"I love it when you call me baby girl," I kissed his bare chest.

"Oh, baby girl," he laughs, sounding sarcastic.

"Shut up you." I roll my eyes.

We walk down stairs meeting everyone downstairs, it's a real bad awkward silence, real bad. I just sat down on the couch next to my mom and Luke sat next to his. We just sat and watched television. Having fun and talking about stupid quiz shows. What fun parents we both have. Half an hour later, I left, it was boring and I sat outside in the sun getting the nice warm sun on my skin. Walking around the corner topless in his swim shorts is Luke, joining me to sunbathe or swim.

"Joining me are you?" I move my sunglasses down to the end of my nose so he could see my eyes.

"Yeah, I hate quiz shitty tv shows." He laughs, sitting down on the deck chair.

"She said you used to love them," I joke around.

"That was a family thing," he says laying down, relaxing in the sun.

I don't even know how many times we was laying there but it felt like ages, hours to be honest. The time I have left im spending with Luke, that's all. Jack is never hardly here and Ben is always with Jack.

Luke's POV

I jumped into the pool, cooling off my skin. Relaxing in the pool and humming a tune in my head. Olivia still was relaxing, even sleeping. The sun makes you so sleepy, it even made me fall asleep a few times. Good thing that I woke up because I would of been burnt otherwise. I kick my legs in the water, enjoying the light in the back yard. We normally get light in the front, never hardly in the back.

"Olivia, Luke," my mom yells from the kitchen.

We both walk into the kitchen as I dry off outside the door.

"Jack and Ben are here and brunch is ready." She says, pointing the direction everyone was.

We walk into the dining room meeting everyone sitting down waiting for us to sit down. As we all sat down my mom comes in with some homemade pasta, she hands me a dish full of food and it looks honestly delicious.

"Excited to go home Olivia?" Jack mentions. Olivia looks straight at me before answering.

"Well, yeah I guess," she shrugs.

"When will you be leaving?" He asks, why so many questions Jack.

"I don't know, ask mom," she pints to her, everyone's eyes where now on Olivia's mom.

"Well maybe five or six, I don't be yet but I need to get home for work on Monday."

As the day goes on I hang with Olivia, we ended up falling asleep and that wasn't planned. We wanted to watch a lot of movies but this is only our second and we zoned out. A knock comes to the door and my mom races inside. I sat up in bed and Olivia woke up.

"Olivia out now! What are you doing?!" She yells, joined with Olivia's angry looking mother.

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