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Luke's POV

Near to tears falling from my eyes, I haven't seen Olivia since the accident, I don't know how much pain she's in or if there's anything wrong with her. I haven't seen her and I miss her loads, all I can think of is Olivia, when I close my eyes, wherever I look, it's always Olivia. If I look somewhere I just see Olivia walking, running, laughing or smiling at me, it makes me cry that I can't even see her until I'm fatter and so is she, it kills me inside.

"Mom when can I see Olivia?" I moaned as I couldn't probably not see her, but I make sure to ask.

"Like the doctor said, when your fitter and healthier. Why such a big deal Luke?" She looked confused and really annoyed.

"Well we connected more than ever before, I obviously care for her, I love her too pieces," I say, looking away from her, looking around the room I was in.

"Yeah, you love her too much," she raises her eyebrows like she suspects something, which Im trying to hide from her and putting on an act.

"Mom I grew up with her, how could I not? I adore her loads, she is like a sister to me," I cussed, why is everyone acting so strange, Olivia I as mom left the hospital and everyone is going freaking mad.

"Don't you swear at me you little boy."

"I'm not little anymore, I'm an adult," I sternly looked at her.

"Start acting like on then," she spat.

"You haven't seen me for awhile. You don't know how I've changed." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Why is everyone going crazy?" I laughed.

"Because everyone is worried sick, no ones saying anything Luke. I'm sorry," she sighed, placing herself next to me. "I just want you home."

"So do I mom, I just need to see Olivia."


Luke's POV: A week later...

I sit in the hospital bed day, after day, being bored out of my mind. Doctors coming in asking me stupid questions, checking if I'm okay, then I get told about Olivia, and even though she is okay, I still worry too much, my heart races when someone mentions her.

As I'm getting my strength back, now walking around the hospital, I've luckily seen Olivia's mom a few times. The doctors are so caring they actually let me to see Olivia a few times, but it's annoying they come in every 10 minutes, checking on us. I know it's there job, but when your talking to someone and they just come in and ask the same question for ages it's completely annoying. Speaking to Olivia makes me even happier, it's the first time I haven't seen her in a week, she looks beautiful even though she feels sick, she still looks incredible.

As the week progresses, Olivia and I are getting extremely better, the doctors finally let us free as our accident wasn't major bad, but the accident did affect our heads and chests a lot. Now, finally packing my things into a bag, and walking out of the hospital, thanking doctors for helping me, then as I turn to my left, I see Olivia in her black jeans and a cute white Lacey top, even without make-up she just makes me want her, she's so beautiful. It's so hard not to kiss her in front of our parents, all I can do is hug her or even kiss her cheek. Her lips are so soft to touch, she's so gentle, she's wonderful.

As if I arrived back at home, Olivia both agreed to stay together at all times just incase anything happens, yes my mom wants be to stay at hers, which I agreed on doing for only a few days i till I get used being at home. My mom pulled up into the drive, and quickly getting to the back of the car, picking up my bag.

"Mom you don't have to do anything, I can do it myself," I smile, I know she's so caring she's just too quick and she needs to slow down.

"It's fine Luke, I want to help you, I need too," she says, handing the black bag over to me. I nodded at her as she heads to the door, following behind all Olivia, Joe and her mom.

We walk inside, I sit down on the couch as my mom makes us both hot chocolates. We turn on the tv and Disney channel came on, so we both watched it together. It's so funny that Olivia and I agree on nearly everything, we watch the same tv shows, like we both love Disney, we're so crazy, we still act like 10 year olds, but in reality I'm we're like way older than 10.

As the night goes on, my mom finally goes to sleep downstairs, along with dad, in their normal bedroom. Joe leaves to go back to his place and Olivia's mom sleeps in the guest bedroom. Then that leaves Olivia and I alone. We walk upstairs to my old bedroom, and she sits on my bed lying down or looking out of my window.

"I've fucking missed you all week, I haven't even kissed you," I smirked, whispering into her ear.

"Fuck Luke, just kiss me already." She begs, as I place my lips onto hers, moulding together, being very gentle to her, taking things slow. My tongue slides in, meeting hers as ours tangle together. As I kissed her memories came back into my head, loads, flicking though my mind, each and every song one meant everything to me, all the time I get with her is so precious, I don't want to waste anymore.


I deleted my other book because I don't want to put you guys who are reading it on hold, I decided to wait until this book finishes and work on another book, I'm working on.

The book is nothing smutty, well it would be at times, but it's going to be a proper fanfiction. I decided to go with Ashton on this book, because Ashton fits perfectly with the book. The book is called, "Never Ending" , im pretty excited for it to be published soon:)))

Just to mention thank you so so much for your support, now we are on 23K!!!!! Like what?!?!

To be honest, when I published this book I never thought it was going to come this far.

Thanks for your great support, I love you guys so so much! xoxoxoxoxoxo

Message me on here, if you need anything:)
Make sure to vote and follow me because it makes me carry on writing and also comment that does improve my writing from you guys:))

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