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I kissed under Luke's boxers, I put my fingers under the wristband of his briefs and ran up my fingers to his waist and down. Soft loud groans left Luke's mouth which made me plant more kisses down by his waist and under. I pulled down his boxers which made us both fully naked, he put me on the bed and he started crawling up me, meeting me at my eyes.

"You ready?" He asks.

"Y-yes," I swallowed taking a deep breathe as this is my firsts ever time.

"Is this your first-"

"Yes Luke, now hurry up."

Luke kissed me slowly and started working his pace, his tongue slipped into my mouth making the kiss even more deeper than it was. I could feel like entering me slowly, his pace was slow moving softly against my hips. Everything seemed to explode, every time Luke entered his body into me, it made me crave him more.

As Luke's pace gotten a little more faster, I moved my legs around his waist which his thrusts would get more deeper and also faster. As Luke and I still kept our kiss going, slow and steady but still deeper kiss than usual, he still made me extremely impressed, he's so good at this. After along time of Luke entering me for a long period of time, he took himself out of me letting me breathe. Luke climbed on top of me and hold me close on the bed. Luke kissed my temple as he moved me closer into him.

"Your great," he finally says, moving his fingers up and down my arm tracing a pattern.

"I-I don't do much though, to you."

"Show me your skills next time, your fucking perfect," he cracks a smile which makes me blush.

"So are you," he kissed my temple again and i pulled him closer into me.

"Oh by the way, you have a nice pair of boobs on you," he laughs.

"Thanks Luke," I slapped his arm, not to hard, but not too soft.


I woke up by being shook, i squinted my eyes as the sun was blinding me through the curtains. I saw Luke sitting up staring at me, smiling.

"Morning," his deep raspy morning voice comes out.

"Hello," I rubbed my eyes trying to get focus.

"I'm still chuffed from last night," he mentions, he got up getting his boxer on and walking towards the door.

"I can tell," I chuckled, raising form the bed. "Where you going?" I added.

"It's like 12:34, I waited for you to wake up for food, I'm starving," I looked at the clock and shocked I actually slept that late.

"Sorry," I added, getting out of bed putting one of Luke's tops on.

"No need."

I followed him out of the room and into the kitchen. Luke made some coffee and we sat on the couch watching the usual Saturday morning tv.

"I can't believe I've been here for like nearly four weeks now, it's nearly like the end of this month already!" I mentioned.

"I know, your leaving in like 2 months or something like that."

"Yeah, then I'm going back home, my dad will be back from the forces then."

"Better make this last," he smiled, "you never know we might never see each other again."

I shrugged, "School starts soon and I need to apply to colleges." I stopped myself for carrying on too much, "we will get to hang around with each other, what do you wanna do now?"

"I don't know, tarvel? But I'm not ready to leave so quick again."

We have a slight moment of silence, it wasn't too awkward at all. "Luke, I'm sorry, if your parents find out and mine."

"Don't say sorry," he kissed my cheek softly. "They won't find out."


"Well, we are on our own and this is my house,"

"But Luke, my mom wants me to go back to your moms before we actually leave, you know." I sighed.

"I'll come too," Luke got up from the couch and put his drink into the sink.


"I'll come too."

"Things will get suspicious, it will," I say, turning to him leaning on top of the leather couch.

Luke walked back over to me, leaving down on to the couch. "Just go with the flow and plus I don't know why they would be mad if they did find out," he whispers, brushing his lips over my skin. I pecked his lips with my mine, we stare at each other for a few seconds before clashing our lips into each other's. Luke's tongue slid into my mouth slowly, feeling the kiss.



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