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Luke moved his hands more down my back as he pushes me more against the wall. My hands was at the back of his head, gripping on his hair, pulling him more closer to me. His lips was moulding against mine quickly and he was moving about real fast. Luke moved me up the steps, slowly, but still his power was fast. Luke's lips moved to my neck as I tilted my head to the side giving Luke more space to kiss around my neck.

"Your," he kiss a part of my neck, "so," kissed a part of my neck, "beautiful," he finally says breathing against my neck.

"Oh shh," I felt my cheeks go all red.

Luke picked me up by the waits as my legs wrapped around his waist, his hands moved to my bum. We made up in his room and he placed me on the bed as he crawled on top of me, taking my top with him. He planted kisses up my stomach to my jawline, i grabbed the sheets of the bed as I wanted Luke inside of me.

"Luke," I cried.

"What baby girl?" I felt his breathe against my skin.

"Your such a bad boy,"

"Just for you baby girl."

Luke travelled back down to my waist moving his fingers across the waist band on my pants. Luke pulled down my pants and then he kissed around my lacey underwear, he kicked off my underwear and kissed around my area and then slipped his fingers inside of me, in and out. I was screamed because I felt so amazing inside to Luke, I felt like I was special to someone, special to Luke.

Luke ripped off his top and I un-hooked my bra, then I took of his pants, so we both where naked.

"Luke?" I sat up and Luke moved back.

"What, you okay?" He panicked.


"Oh shit," he laughed and got one out of the draw and placed it on himself.

"Ready?" He asks.

"I'm more than ready."

He kissed me powerfully on the lips, as our tongues intertwined together. His hands travelled down my back to my ass, gripping his hands to my ass. Then Luke put himself in side of me, thrusting in and out softly, grabbing the sheets of the bed as he put himself inside of me. Load moans left my mouth as his thrusts came a lot more faster.

"Oh shit," I screamed.

"It hurts?" He whispers.

"N-no, it's fucking great!" I shouted as loud as I could.

As his lips touched mine, moulding against mine as I do too. My hands gripping on his back, digging my nails in his back. Luke took himself out of me and he laid himself next to me on the bed. I turned to him and smiled as he had a massive smirk on his face.

"That was good," he laughed.

I'm gunna double update tonight or maybe update until chapter 15? Depends what time I spend on writing. Also updating chapter 2 and 3 on my other book!

Sorry for long updates recently, I'll try and update once a week, I'm sorry.

I also have another book out, please read it!

I wanna put a love fanfiction out soon, well after I finished the two books maybe? Or I might change my mind because I'm doing two more books in the smut collection I have.

love you guys.

Thanks for 16k, your the reason why I write books:)


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