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Olivia's POV

Long hours waiting and waiting, hanging around waiting for news from the doctors. Sitting in the bed all day and all night is boring, I used to think hospital were fun, like from hospital reality tv shows.

"Can I have a drink or something please?" I asked as my throat was so dry inside, literally I was begging but a nice way.

"I'll get it," Joe offered.

"No, I'll get it Joe, you stay here," Joe nodded as my mom left and we were just looking around the room.

We haven't talked in ages, the last time I saw him was about six or more months ago. It's really awkward between us, we're just looking around the room, but if he wants to sort things we'll be better start speaking now.

"Look I'm sorry," he says, looking straight at me.

"Sorry isn't going to fix everything is it," I spat.

"Well I've missed you, I've missed being your brother," his voice sounds like he's sorry.

"Could of done that months ago,"

"Yeah, I know I'm sorry, maybe we can start again?" He raises his eyebrows, kind of smiling towards me.

"Yeah," he gave changed, he was beaming. "But, you have to play your cards right," I smirked.

Since my mom came back in shortly after, coming back with a drink in her hands, she passes it to me, as I sit up and take a sip.

My mom sat down weirdly, she didn't talk, she just sat down. My mom is probably worrying way too much, she has always been worrying about everything. Anything that makes her have anxiety inside, she just worries. Joe stayed by me, talking about different things, like music to fashion. It was pretty weird conversation, it got off to a point I wonder how we started talking about two people. I think I should actually say something to mom because she looks like she's going to cry out an ocean.

"You okay?" She looks up to me and nods. Sometimes mom likes to keep things to herself, like work problems, she's always to her self.

"You sure, you look like your going to-"

My mom stopped me as she hissed at me. "What's wrong with you?" I hissed back.

"Just leave me alone, I have a lot to think about," she spat, I've never seen her like this before.

"Don't think of me then. I'm trying to help you."

Mom just gets up and walks out, with no word spoken. Since she came back she's turned into something different, maybe someone said something to her as she was out. Well, she was out for longer than five minutes, so obviously something happened out there. I looked at Joe and all he did was shrug. Looking at where she was walking, turning to a the exist sign, she looks like she's leaving. Joe went out to check on Luke, I was reading the magazines about stupid celebrities doing the stupid ass things.

A short while after, Joe came back smiling, good news is it? "He's awake!" He beams, I smile and I couldn't stop, that takes a lot off my plate. "But he's really, you know, weak." He shrugged.

"He just woke up from a car accident, so I guess he would be like that," I shrugged.

"Could I see him?" I asked.

"I don't think so," Joe said, as he sat down.

Luke's POV

I moved myself up on the bed, looking around me, seeing my mom sat on the side, beaming at me.

"Hunny, you okay?" She speaks out.

"I guess so," I shrugged, "my body hurts," I chuckled.

"Just rest, that's all." She smiles, holding my hand.

"How's, umm, Olivia?" I asked.

"Well, I don't know," she chuckled, slapping her hands on her lap. "I haven't seen her in ages."

"Why, she is your niece, I suspect Liv's mom did come in here."

"Yes she did, but it's a different story, I need to see my baby wake up," she smiles.

"Still see her, I need to know."

"She has Joe in there, so I guess everything is okay," she shrugged.


"Joe, her brother?" She knitted her eyebrows together.

Olivia never told me about her brother, I can't even remember him. Why don't I? I thought she was a only had a sister. Doctors coming in constantly, checking up on me, it's annoying. I lakes in the bed for ages, trying to sleep but it's too boring, I need to see her so bad. I missed her face and her laugh, I miss her smile and I don't even know how long it's been since we've been in here but I miss her like crazy, but I can't say anything.


This has been so addicting to write as its so catchy:)

I'm putting my other book on hold for a while until I get to a near enough ending on this story! So I'm sorry but I want to finish this before anything💖💖

Nearly at 19k reads!

Sorry for the short chapter, but LUKES AWAKE!!!!!

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