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I walked into the spare bedroom that Luke let me sleep in and looked at my phone which was on charge, I turned it on and waited to unlock my phone and see what my friends back at home been doing. I unlocked my phone entering my password to my phone and going through social media. My phone notifications went off a couple of times and they where mainly my friends back home, until i got a message from my mom. I clicked my home screen and clicked my messages app.

Me and Liz, have decided to go out for the day and have a meal after, Luke's brothers are down, so please come? X - Mom.

I looked at my phone think what to text back, I thought for a few minutes, but there was a knock at the wooden door. I turned around and the door opened slowly and Luke's head popped around the corner, he smiled softly and walked over to me.

"So," he says, "has your mom told you about today?"

I nod, "Yeah, you coming? I was just about to type back actually."

"Umm, yeah, I guess so." Luke nods, sitting on the edge of the bed, Luke rested his elbows on his upper thigh and his hands was on his knees. "You haven't seen Ben or Jack for a while, so I'll come."

"They never really bothered me when I was younger, only you," I pointed out. Luke shrugs and stood up and walked over to me, he moved his fingers up my arm making me shiver down my spine.

"So," I broke the silence.

"Wear," he stops to think, "wear something good today, really good clothes." He raises his eyebrows and smirks at me.

"Hmm," I hummed.

I decided to text back my mom, telling her we we're coming.

Yes mom, we would love to come :)

I got some clothes from my closet and picked something casual, I didn't want to wear anything too good because they was my best clothes. I got out a pair of blue jeans along with a grey long jumper, also with some white Nike Air Force.

I finished doing my make-up, a bit of eye shadow with a winged eyeliner and mascara. I brushed my hair and straightened my long hair and grabbed my bag and my black purse.

I walked down stairs and I saw Luke sitting on the couch.

"Even though you've gone casual, gees, your freaking beautiful," he swallows, "I mean no- yes- no I mean y- no! I'm sorry."

"Don't apologise it's a cute," I kissed his cheek as he kissed mine back. Luke pulled away, cupping my face with his hands. Luke shot his lips against mine, his lips moulding against mine so well. His tongue slid at my bottom lip asking, his tongue shot into my moth exploring my mouth. My hands moved to his heck pushing him more into me.

"Such a good kisser," his lips brushes mine as he let go of my face and put his hand in mine.

"We can do some fun stuff later," I smirked as we got into the car, he smirked turning the radio up a little louder.

"Sure," he pauses, "sounds enjoyable."

We drove to Luke's moms place, he took the say quicker way than I did when I travelled to Luke's.

We arrived and we set off with Luke's family and me and my mom.


It's around 8:56pm and i just got out of Luke's car and he couldn't keep his hands off me, I walked up to his door waiting for him to come over to me. Luke walked over to me smirking and he kissed me and unlocked the door and opened it, our lips where still together. Luke pushed me backwards and shut the door with his foot, he pushed me against the wall and his palms rested against the wall too, my hands was on Luke's neck pulling him close to me. Luke pushed his hips more into me sending instant shocks and warmth in my body.

Luke moved his lips down my jaw to my neck, pressing soft and smooth kisses along my jaw. Luke traced his lips down my neck, sucking and nibbling slightly. Small soft groans left my lips, my breathing got fast and so did his as he kissed my neck harder.

I pushed my hands up his black shirt moving up to his chest and then to his back, I gripped onto his back as he picked my up by my waist and my legs wrapped around his waist. Luke took me somewhere and not disconnecting our lips, before I know it we was walking up the stairs and he left my lips just incase he fell. We ended up in his room, he placed me on the bed with my back on the covers. I watched his undoing his black long sleeve top, he threw it on the floor and then crawling over to me. Luke took my top off leaving me in just my black Lacey bra, he scanned my chest before speaking.

"Wow, your body is so fucking beautiful, just like you," I blushed at his words.

Luke shot his lips against mine, he entered his tongue across my bottom lip, his tongue slid in and his tongue explored my mouth. Luke deepened the kiss, he traced his fingers down my body to my jeans, he unbuckled my jeans and pulled them down slowly. Luke traced mouth down to my mid thigh. He traced his fingers around my Lacey underwear and slid his fingers into me, Luke made me go crazy, my back arched against the covers and Luke still kissed me over my stomach.

"Ughhh, Daddy," I groaned.

"Come on baby, you could do it." He kissed me, "That's it baby girl."


I'm sorry it's a short and crap chapter, I tried, but there's another chapter on this thing!

THANKS FOR READING! I get like 100 reads every chapter! Thank you so so much!

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