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As we lay in bed for a while talking about last night. We both laugh and joke about how embarrassing things was. But we finally get up and make a move for the day. I slowly drag behind Luke as he makes himself down stairs.

"What do you want to eat?" He asks as we made to the kitchen as I place myself on the couch.

"Umm, something like a, bacon sandwich maybe?"

"I'll have the same, orange juice as well?" I nodded as I switched the tv on. I sat watching the news and then Luke came with the food.

"When your finished go and get ready where doing something,"

"Is this a date?" I ask, he smirks.

"Maybe, don't be too fancy, fancy casual," I nodded as I eat the rest of my food.

After finishing the last bit of my breakfast, I went upstairs and got ready for the date Luke was taking me on. I put on some dark blue jeans on and a white Lacey top, along with some beige timberlands. I brushed my hair and left it natural and did some make-up, I put on eyeliner on my eyes and mascara along with some bronzer. Finally I was ready, I made my way downstairs and sat down on the couch waiting for Luke's arrival. When I heard foot steps coming towards me, I stood up and brushed of my jeans and turned to face the door way.

"Hopefully I wasn't too lon-," he stood, looking shocked, looking up and down at me.

"Do I look bad, shall I change?" I said, feeling nervous about my choice of clothing I put on myself.

I stood feeling stolid about my clothes and how I looked. I feel so stupid and really nervous about what Luke was going to say. Luke still stood there with his jaw dropped, until he closed it and gulped.

"Sorry but y-you look beautiful," I smile at his words, relived that it wasn't as bad as I thought it was.

"Thank you," I said feeling chuffed. "I thought you was going to say something so bad, I even go so nervous." I laugh at myself.

"You ready?" He asks.

"I'm so ready, I can't wait." I said getting excited, clapping my hands together and moving my feet.

We left the house, Luke locking the door after and us heading to the car. Luke rushing to the passenger side of the car and opening the door for me, what a gentlemen, I thanked him and hopped in the car. As I did my belt up, Luke was in the car turning the car engine going. Then Luke reversed, he drove on the road heading another direction, away from the city. As I looked out the window as we drove past many buildings and attractions. Still asking him asking him where we're going but he just didn't answer just smile. We kept driving for a long time, we both song to many songs that came on the radio. Until he turned a corner down this narrow road to this little river and a big field with many tall trees.

Luke came to a halt and we got out of the car. Luke got to the back of the car, taking out a basket and a rug he hold in his arm. We started walking to little river and he placed the rug down and then he pit the basket full of food in the corner. Luke set up a few candles as it gradually got darker and he put some music in for the background.

"This is so adorable, how did you know this existed, especially out of the way of your home?" I smiled, looking around as there was a lot of candles everywhere.

"It's where my mom took me and my brothers here for water fight, then my dad will come after work and that would make it so fun. Then this one time you came, the whole family was here, music, food, sun, it was lush day. I remember it so well, this place was so popular back when we was young, and now no one comes to this beautiful place." He was looking around everywhere behind us and smiling like he was remembering a lot of memories.

"I remember when you brought your dog, Mac down and so did Nan with Jack, we had barbecues and stayed here all day until we fell asleep." Luke said, like remembering it as it was on the back of his hand.

" I can't believe I don't remember a lot of this only a little, like the time I pushed you in there," I said pointing, and also laughing, whilst eating some fruit Like prepared.

"This is the most I remember of my childhood, every time we came down here, I remember it all. Mom used to call it The Family Home because it's where we all came and come as a family." Smiling at Luke as I think of memorises of this place came back, like Luke's mom calling it The Family Home.

As we spent the night eating, drinking and kissing a lot, the night couldn't get any better. The candles made everything look so much prettier and more romantic than ever. I've never really known Luke as the more romantic person, I guess he puts in a lot of effort for people and he cares a lot for people that truly cares for him. As we finished the date, I kissed him so many times in the way back, although it was really really late and I couldn't see much, well I could see Luke with his eyes and hair. The time we got to the car and drove back, listening to more calmer music I felt my eyes flutter close a few times, but before I officially feel asleep, felling happy a ever with the date, I had to speak to Luke.

"Luke?" I grabbed his attention.

"Tonight was brilliant, I'm speechless of words, no one has ever done something so special to both of us, it just a,de the night even better, you made the night brilliant. I love you so much right now," I said laughing towards the end.

"To be honest, you made everything perfect, y-you made today go so well, better than anything."

Although we was driving, he looked towards me, even though he shouldn't of he did. I smiled at the way he looked at me, he looked ga the road a few times but not a lot. Luke planted his lips on my check, looking back at me smiling. As he was too busy looking at me, before we know it looking back forward, my whole life flashed. Our car and an other car hit us, after BOOOOOOM. Everything changed.

Chapter fifteen will be uploaded later tonight, a big chapter so I can't wait for you guys to see it. I k ow things have gotten big but something more interesting than having smut!!

If you was confused about this chapter, well I'll explain this in easier terms. So Luke and Olivia has gone on a date to an old family place out of the city/town, they talked about there old memories of this massive field surrounded by a little river and lots of trees. As they had an amazing time, they was on the way home, it was dark and wasn't easy to see at all. Olivia was talking to Luke thanking him about the whole date and then Luke thanking her for things, Luke couldn't stop
looking at Liv, a few times looking at the road but not much, suddenly they forced into a car as they was too. They got hit badly, but the next chapter is gong to be massive!

Thanks so much for reading, please vote, comment and follow me:)

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