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Btw, I kind of put a lot of effort into this book lately, making sure you guys like them. By following me you can see what I'm doing and when I'm updating and more, I'll really appreciate it also if you vote and comment, it keeps me writing these books:) I still can't get over the fact I'm nearly at 30k, only on 27k, I can't believe how much this book has come, and all I can do is thank you guys so much.<333333

I gasped at his words, I didn't know what to say, the way he said it and the way I heated it, it just left me with no words to explain. Although, Luke and I have a crazy relationship between us, it's just like a best friend you just kiss or more, not like a cousin. My eyes winded as all I hear in my mind is those words, why am I shocked, why does my mind repeat it constantly.

"I-I'm sorry," he gulps as his cheeks flush a shade of red, looking embarrassed trying not to show it.

"No Luke, I can't believe what you said," I say like I'm relieved over his words. Luke smiles as he sits next to me, watching the sun shines through his wide window.

"In a bad way," he tilts his head.

"No, not at all. I love that you think about me when you sleep." I say, smiling as I rest my head against the pillows.

"That's all I think about," he says, looking down at me. I hide my face as my cheeks flush. The way Luke looks at me in my eyes and the way he speaks to me, makes me flush a tone of darker shade of red.

Hours later we are both in his room watching movies on Netflix, he kisses me a few times on the forehead as we speak about the film and how cute he finds me. Also, the way he wraps his arms around my body sends tingles up my spine, it's like I've never been touched before.

As we spend most of the day in bed, talking about music, books and everything else, he decides to take me somewhere, even though the doctors say we should relax and not go too heavy on work or school etc, but Luke and I decided to go against those rules and have fun.

As we leave the house, even though it's late, I feel safe with him, I feel like nothing is going to happen, nothing will. We walk down the sidewalk, slowly as we walk past lots of beautiful front yards and beautiful houses. We turn down a forest lane, where there's sticks and mud everywhere, bit my type of thing at all. We finally reach a little cute place, it's like an old youth centre for people, but it's closed.

We walk inside, Luke locking the door putting the keys he finds somewhere in his pocket. He turns the leaver up switching all the lights in, all the fairly lights and Latin lights, the small couch on the side, aside with a really old pool table. I look around my surroundings and see a old kitchen and toilet. I turn the heating switch on and the room gets heated up quickly, but normal temperature.

"This place is cute." I say, I keep looking around my surroundings. "How on earth did you even find this place, especially in the middle of no where?" He shuts the curtains as I sit down on the couch that isn't dusty at all, everything looks brand new.

"I found it one night, walking anywhere and I ended up here. Apparently it's an old scout hut, it was planning to get knocked down but everyone fought for it, then it didn't." He huffs, sitting down next to me.

"Anyway," I continue. "It's a beautiful place, I actually love it. At first I thought it was scary as its in a forest, but then this."

Luke finger tips travel up my arm to my cheek, holding it, making eye contact with my eyes. His beautiful blue eyes lock with mine, I can't stand to look away. Luke leans in, moving his other hand to my chest, pushing my chest into his. My lips touch his soft pink lips, moulding with mine perfectly as always. His tongue slides in at the bottom of my lip, then his tongue touches mine, making me feel amazed. I smile in the kiss and so does he, pushing my down to couch as he crawls on top of me.

My hands rest on his neck pulling him more towards me. The great feeling he gives me makes me want him more, although he's being sift and gentle all the time, it's different everytime. Luke gives off an even better performance every time.

As his hand slips under my top, reaching for my bra and cupping his hands on my breasts, moans left my mouth as we still kiss. Luke is so powerful and great, he charms me every single time.

His lips leave mine as his eyes make contact with mine once again, asking me to take off my top. Obviously I'll say yes everytime, I love it when Luke touches me, everytime. As I unbutton his jeans, I kiss his belly and down. I love the way I make him feel, it feels good, better than anyone else I've done this with better. Moments later, Luke slips on a condom, kissing me, and he slides into me making my body shiver, makes me crave him even more.

As his thrusts become faster, his lips leave mine once again, moaning as I grab onto his hair. I grip onto his back as he pushes inside me more, making me go crazy.

"Such a naughty girl, but you always make daddy proud." He moans.

"Such a bad bad girl daddy, just for you, daddy." I say trying to get my words out.

Next time, I'm making Luke go crazy.

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