
5.5K 109 0

Regretting everything I said to Luke, it was bad enough for me to have a go at him. To be honest he should feel bad too, he shouldn't of told me to cancel everything and just run away with him. Does he think this a real life fairy tale?

I sat down on couch chewing on a sandwich I had on the plate, whilst watching some stupid tv show. I don't even know where Luke was, he left me around an hour ago or more, I guess he's still in a mood with me.

I stay sat down for awhile watching the tv and chewing away on a sandwich. After my nerves and getting panicking inside for a lot, I decide to get up and look around the house for him, starting at the bottom floor. I looked though the kitchen, bathroom, spare rooms and even outside, no where to be seen. Then i made my way up the stairs and straight into his room, wasn't there, i looked through all the other rooms and no sign of him at all. I start to panic more and get a lot nervous to where he would be. I call his name out a lot but I heard no answer. I went outside to the front door and went to the front yard, his car was still here, then he garage door was wide open. Luke was sitting there looking a photos in picture frames. His face was red and you could see he's been crying. I looked at my view of him before I went and comforted him.

I made my way over to him, wrapping my arm around him and pulling him into me.

"I'm so sorry Luke, I shouldn't of shouted at you and I regret everything I say. I-I can't just leave everything just to be with you and you know that." I say looking up at his blue eyes. Luke tried not to look like he was crying at all, he wiped his tears away and looked like he was going to begin.

"I was looking at old photos of us, when we was younger, playing in the big green field and us climbing trees."

"Those were the times I loved the most and I miss the most," I say, with my eyes watering from looking at he photo he shown me.

"I'm so sorry. I love you and I acted like a twat in front of you." He says turning back at me.

I pause for a while and a smile grows on my face. His hand moves on to my hip and I chuckle a bit.

"Why you laughing?" He asks.

"Because I love you," I kissed his lips softly, he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into him. Luke shut the garage door as we got carried away.


"Your such a good kisser," he says, "from earlier, that was a powerful kiss." I blush at his words.

"Don't do that," I hide myself in embarrassment.

"Don't do what?" He teases me, he grabs me by the waist and pulls me over himself.

He kissed my neck and trailed his hands down my body, all my hairs stick up on my body.

Sorry this is another chapter that's going up tonight! It's more you know kinky and stuff... LOL

So I've reached 10k!!!!!!!
Oh my days I love you so much.

Follow me on Wattpad and my Instagram: @/sleeptightcalum

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