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I woke up feeling sick, my head was banging and I needed to re-fresh my whole body. I felt disappointed in myself for what happened last night, but it felt so good, his lips was soft and kissable. I didn't control myself, my body did. I don't even know of this feels right, but my body seems to crave more off him.

I got into the shower and I felt the cold touching my shoulders, it felt amazing as it got rid of thoughts of last night. It kind of made me feel more refreshed than anything.

I got out feeling better than I did before I got in, I looked into the mirror and I tidied my hair and put in a basic pony tail. I walked out of the room and I saw luke coming out of his room, I felt a splash of happiness and confusing coming at me. I walked past him quicker than I thought I would, I rushed into my room and trying to think about everything.

Luke came into my room as he saw me looking at myself in the mirror. "I'm sorry about last night. I-I think it was the alcohol." I looked at him and I could see the guilt on his face and I felt it on me too.

"Don't be sorry Luke, it was my fault I shouldn't of done that to one of your friends." his head looked straight at me and it lit up.

"Yeah, I guess I was just annoyed, but what do you meant don't be sorry?" He looks very confused.

"Just, don't be sorry," I tried to smile, but I just needed him to kiss me, although I kind of regretted it. "Kiss me, Luke."

"You what?"

"You heard." His lips clashed against mine, I missed his touch as he placed his hand on my thigh and my hands was digging into his hair as I kept pulling him closer to my chest. Luke moved his hand to my back and pushed his chest against mine. Luke's tongue slipped in at the bottom of my lip, his lip slowly came into my mouth and caused me to moan. I kept it quite but I struggled.

Luke moved to my neck kissing me all around my neck which made me shiver, I loved it when he kissed my neck, it felt magical and perfect. I moved from the floor to the bed and he sat beside me, I ran my finger against his jaw and it ran to his bottom lip. I traced kisses all over his face, which made him moan. I traced the kisses down to his neck and sucking slightly on his soft skin, I felt the moans coming out of his mouth as it felt like it was vibrating on my cheek. Luke made me feel so good.

"Fuck me, your so good," he moaned as I moved my lips to his again.

"Daddy." I spoke out and in complete shock but he looked me directly in my eyes and we kissed again. His hands where now cupping my face as I messed up his hair as I tugged on it.

"Say again?" He left my lips. The second time he left mine, I missed his.

"Daddy, I called you" I smirked, "you call me baby girl and I call you daddy. Daddy." his lips shot against mine, I loved it when he kissed me first.


We was all downstairs, Luke and I was sat really close to each other again. We sat on the couch as we all get squished as there was 5 of us on a 4 seater couch. We watched some programs and watched a few movies.

It was around 6:47pm and Calum, Michael and Ashton was getting ready to leave as they arrived earlier. I was kind of sad that they was leaving for a while, but Luke said they will be coming back tomorrow, as they come over all the time.

"I'm sorry about yesterday," I hugged Calum, I could feel him laughing as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Trust me it's fine, I don't remember it, I was fucked off my arise anyway." I giggle at Calum as we hugged tighter.

"See you later" I hugged Ashton and then Michael. They said goodbye and they headed out the door, Luke and I waved at them and shut the door as they drove off.

We both headed back to the couch and we decided to watch a few movies on Netflix. We watched a couple funny ones and some romantic ones and also you couldn't forget Disney, we had too. Watching half way through a film, my eyes was getting tired so I closed them. My legs were resting on Luke's lap as he was playing with my hair softly and he planted a few kisses on me here and there.



I'll update more... I'm sorry

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