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I woke up so early feeling my most happiest. I couldn't stop smiling to myself, also turning over to Luke seeming him sleeping with his mouth slightly open, which is so adorable. I put my hands in his hair feeling his soft bed head, still couldn't stop smiling at him. I could feel his warmth from his breathe as he breathed against me, breathing slowly, lying his head on my upper arm. My arm around the back of his head, still messing with his hair.

Looking at Luke made me realise how perfect he is, from head to toe. Seeing his beautiful body everyday makes me go crazy about him, even me touching him makes me feel so much better about myself. Even when he touches makes me wanting him more, everyday I'm craving Luke more and more, even though he's like family, that never really crosses my mind at all.

It's 10:03am and I decided to slip myself from Luke trying not to wake him, I took my arm from his head and placing his head back down after. I removed my legs from his as they was tangled against each other's. I walked out the room into the cold rooms, Bernini left from Luke's warmth.

I went into the kitchen making a healthy smoothie filled with strawberries, bananas and oranges. Holding the mixer down to make it work faster. The feel of something warm wrapped around my waist and a chin on my shoulder, giving light kisses on my neck. I smiled widely of the feeling Luke touching me and the warmth of his hot body filling in my own.

"Baby," he kisses my neck repeatedly, "You look so good in my tops." As he speaks he breathes against my skin of my neck.

"Oh stop it Luke." I giggle at him making me blush. Small soft moans left my mouth as he kissed my neck repeatedly.

"Your fucking perfect girl," he smiles against my neck, "way to perfect."

I finished making my smoothie and I turned around to him kissed him repeatedly, craving Luke more and more.

"Let's go somewhere." He offers and he rested his hands on my waist.

"Oh, baby, why." I moaned.

"Shopping?" He smiles like a little boy trying to be cute, he is all over cut.

I grounded, "but daddy-"

"No butts. Daddy is going to spoil you," he kissed me firmly on my lips mouldy against mine perfectly. Luke swiping his tongue across my bottom lip asking for my entrance, his tongue slipped into my mouth exploring my mouth, giving me a firing feeling inside.

We both moved our way to the couch drinking the rest of my smoothie before going upstairs and getting ready for the day. I kissed him against his cheek and exist the room and headed upstairs, I walked across the halls into the spare bedroom Luke let me stay in. I picked out today's outfit from my closet and slipped out the t-shirt and changed my underwear and bra for me new ones. I slipped on a plain white top and over the top my dark green flannel, I put some shorts on tucking my t-shirt into my dark shots. I put my warm socks on and did my make-up.

I walked across the hall and went downstairs into the kitchen, I grabbed some orange juice carton from the fridge and went and placed myself on the couch catching up with Friends. I drank my carton waiting for Luke's appearance, existing for today's plans he's made. I changed my mood over shopping, I was kind of excited, I needed to get some new underwear and some make-up.

The floors creaked from upstairs and headed down the hallway to the steps, Luke walked into the kitchen looking straight at me. I smiled at him as I got up grabbing my black vans from the corner of the room.

"Ready?" Luke asks, I nod and I grab my back with my phone and purse in and followed Luke outside.

He unlocked his car opening my door first before his, he kissed me as I sat down in the car as he leant over my side. I loved Luke kissing me and I guess he likes kissing me a lot, Luke kisses me like all the time in the most unexpected moments.

Luke drove to the nearest mall which isn't that far long from his home, it took about 15-20 minutes to get to the mall. Once we arrived he stopped the car and we walked to the entrance of the mall.

"I was kind of grumpy earlier about coming, and I want to say sorry." I apologised to him, I guess I was a bit rude to him earlier and I shouldn't.

"Oh no, it's okay," he smiles.

"Your such a great guy Luke, your just amazing," he smirks at me as he opened the door to get inside of the mall. "Would our parents ever come here? like it's not far away from your moms."

"Oh don't worry, my mom hates this place, when it's not clean. She travels further away from here." He chuckles, "Anyway there is nothing to worry about because we are just shopping."

I shrug, "yeah but you coming into Victoria Secret with me duhh." I giggled as we walked down the mall, looking around at the shops.

"Victoria Secret?" He smirks.


"That place has such attractive underwear for girls, I just love it." He laughs in embarrassment.

"How many girls have you slept with, Hemmings?" I raised my eyebrows at him, giggling with him.

"Oh there's so many," he say sarcastically.

We walked towards Victoria Secret and I rushed into the shop with Luke trailing behind me. I looked through the first part of bras and so did Luke, I guess he's trying to pick for me. He picked a few underwear he liked, I nodded at him and placed it into the basket. I picked up a few Lacey underwear and bras, I went up to the counter to pay and then Luke stepped in front of me giving the women the cash, I declined his offer at first but he ignored me.

We walked into Calvin Klein and I brought some clothing and more underwear and a by of sports clothing.

After a long while of shopping we decided to head home and have some time with each other. We walked back to his car and we drove off home, blaring music out of the speakers of The 1975. We arrived at Luke's and we grabbed it bags and went to the coach laying down relived that it was over.

"Today was so fun, thanks," Luke kissed my temple.

"It's okay, but next time don't spend ages in Victoria Secret." He laughs.

Luke leaned in closer and his lips was brushing against mine, "Maybe I can show you the stuff I brought secretly."


A U T H O R S N O T E -

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Sorry changed the cover again...

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They'll be on the next chapter!

Thanks for 323 reads!! I can't wait to hit 1k! I've never thought it would come like this!

I know I'm not the best writer but I try!

Thanks for reading my book thanks so much, I can't thank you enough!xxx

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