chapter 49

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ShiAnne POV

Currently the boys and I were in the dining room. Harry still seemed a little shaken up over Lucas going all Alpha on him, so i decided to try and calm him.

"Harry, he's an Alpha and Summer is his mate. Of course he's going to get upset when you call her princess." I said, trying to calm Harry.

"I know, I'm just trying to calm down right now." He replied. I slowly nodded, understanding where he was coming from.

"And you!!" Louis screamed. I snapped my head in his direction, realizing he was pointing at me.

"Yes Love?" I said. He looked a little upset over the incident that took place a while ago.

"Don't yes love me! I don't trust him!" Louis said

"Well i do! I know for a fact he'll never let anyone lay a finger on her or Serenity." I yelled back. Before he could respond there was a cry for help upstairs, followed by the screeching cries of my babies. We didn't hesitate to get there quickly. When we got there, the sight was shocking. My mother, dangling my baby girls out the window.

"MOM! what are you doing?!" I screamed at her.

"Its not fair! Lucas this 'thing' is your mate?! You said you loved me, said i was the only one for you!!" She said, nothing but pure fury present in her tone.

"Shelly honey, i did love you, but i found my mate. I can't leave her, but one things for sure she doesn't compare to you." Lucas said. I gave a death glare.

~He's just playing along~ Louis thought to me. I relaxed a bit.

"You mean that?" She asked

"Yes, i do. so why don't you bring the girls back in here and hand them to me?"Lucas asked compelling her. without question, the girls were back inside and in his arms.

"ShiAnne, Louis.. whatever you'd like to do with her, you may." Lucas said taking the girls out of the room. I eyed my mother, knowing what was about to happen. I couldn't let them kill her, but one thing i did know was that i would make sure she wouldn't come back. I ran out of the room looking for Lucas.

"Lucas!" I yelled searching for him

"In here Shi!" He yelled from the living area. I ran into the living room to ask him a favor.

"Hey, i don't want to kill my mother..That's not who i am. So do you think you could compel her to leave and never come back?" i asked

"Of course. Why didn't we think of this before?" He asked and chuckled. He handed me the twins and called for the boys to bring down my mother.

"Lucas baby why are you doing this? Why is she so important? She's not even a teenager yet, worthless is what she is." My mother said. I could see Louis tense along with the other boys and Lucas.

I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Lucas, fight it, don't let your wolf take control, fight it." I said trying to calm him. It wasn't working, and i knew if i didn't do something it would only escalate from here.

"Why isn't it working? Why isn't he calming down??" Louis and Zayn asked in usion.

"Because his mate is the only one that can do it." I said.

"Well do something, he looks like he's about to blow!" Liam said hiding behind Niall, who was eating chips. How can he eat at a time like this? I handed Serenity to Harry and Put Summer in front of Lucas.

"ShiAnne are you crazy!!? He'll tear her to shreds!" Louis yelled. I held up my finger.

"Shhh, just watch." I said calmly.

"Lucas.. look Summer's here. she's not worthless and she's all yours. Just think in the future she'll be your Luna." I told him. When i mentioned her being Luna, he relaxed a bit and looked at Summer. He he took her from me and began compelling my mother, but not before giving her a piece of his mind.

"Shelly, you see what you don't understand is that Summer is my true mate. I never loved you, you have nothing on Summer and quite frankly if it was up to me I'd rip your throat out for insulting my future Luna!" he paused and took a breath and continued "Now where were we.. oh yeah compelling."

"YOU ARE NOT COMPEL-" Lucas cut.her off before she could finish.

"You will leave this place and never return. Forget about Me, forget about the twins and ShiAnne, forget you ever knew us, it is for the best." He compelled.

"Alright boys, let her go." He said. Liam and Zayn let her go and she walked right out the front door.

"Well that was a close call." Niall said walking towards the kitchen.

"Oh Niall you didn't so anything, but eat!" I said trying to control my laughter.

"That's not true, i was there distracting her with my sexiness! No one can resist the Niallator!" He said striking a pose. At this point we all were on the floor in fits of laughter. Lucas stood there awkwardly, looking at us like we were crazy.

"Well, its been a long night, so I'm going to put the girls to bed and hit the hay myself." He said heading up the stairs.

"Yeah, I think we'll do the same." Liam said giving us the 'Get yourselves together and go to bed' look. We quickly straightened up and headed to our rooms. Everyone exchanged their goodnight's and headed to their rooms. Lucas of course, slept in the girls room, to insure sure we had no more intruders and to be close to Summer. I entered my room and flopped down on the bed, too tired to change to i just cuddled up next to Louis.

"Goodnight babe, I love you." Was all i remember before drifting off into darkness.

Louis and I , A Match Made In HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now