Chapter 22

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ShiAnne POV

"Well i was having lunch with my friend Delaney, when all of a sudden she made a comment that got stuck in my head." My words trailed off. "Well what'd she say?!" Zayn said signaling me to go on. I sighed and continued. "Well i ordered pickles amd ice cream, and then she said i was starting to eat like a pregnant lady." "Well how did that make you think you were pregnant?" Harry asked sarcastically. "Because days prior to that I'd been throwing up and craving weird things, but i didn't wanna seem crazy, so I went to the doctor to get tested and bam I'm pregnant." i said ending the story. There was a awkward silence, but Liam broke it. "How about we all go get something to eat ehh?" "Nandos!!!!" Niall shouted. "You guys mind if i invite Delaney?" i asked. I heard a chorus of 'sures' and 'not at all'. I was bursting with excitement. Delaney and i go way back, she's my bestie, and most of all, she's the biggest Directioner you'll ever meet! I ran upstairs to call her. After about two rings she answered. "Hello?" she said. "Delaney don't freak, but we're going out to Nandos today." there was a pause and then she said "Why would i freak and what time should i be ready?" "You'll freak because we're going with Niall, Zayn, Liam, Harry and Louis, and 12ish." "OMGOMGOMG! We are!?" i couldn't hold back my laughter. "Yes we are so get dressed!" and with that she hung up. I went to shower and picked out some clothes. I decided on a laced grey long sleeved shirt, with black skinny jeans, and grey and black converse. I curled my long black hair and applied the usual, eye liner and mascara. I looked in the mirror and may i say i looked pretty hot. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. I was greeted by five eager boys. "Took you long enough" they all said. "Oh whatever" i said giving them a smirk. We all loaded up into the black SUV and headed to pick up Delaney. We pulled in front of her house and she casually walked out, but i could see she was holding in her inner fangirl. I got out so she could get in. She was sitting next to Harry and i knew he was her fave, so i sent Harry a text.

Harry POV

Delaney was sitting next to me, she was pretty cute. She was wearing a red shirt, with dark blue skinny jeans and red toms, my kind of girl. Five minutes into the ride i received a text, it was from ShiAnne.


She likes you alot (:

I looked over at ShiAnne and smiled. I decided to start a conversation with her. "So Delaney, you a fan?" i asked. She looked at me shyly. "Uh yeah, the biggest" I gave her a cheeky smile. "You look very nice today." when i said that her cheeks blushed bright red. I moved a strand of her light brown hair out the way. She looked into my eyes. Oh no, Harry what are you doing?. I thought to myself. I was snapped out of my thoughts when her hand grabbed mine. I looked over at Shi, who was just sitting there smiling in satisfaction.

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