chapter 47

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Lucas POV

After what seemed to be eternity, they all re-entered the room. Most of the boys gave me looks of disgust, while Harry and ShiAnne looked at me with sadness, almost like they understood.

'You think they'll let us be with her?' My wolf said

'I don't know but either way she's Mine!' I thought back to him.

'You mean ours?' He growled

'Yeah yeah, you know what i meant.'

All eyes were now on me, and then Louis spoke. "We have decided." He said. I raised an eyebrow. I had no clue what he was talking about, but if it had to do with Summer i would listen.

"We'll give you one chance, and one chance only. If my little girl ever comes home crying, i will not hesitate to kill you!" He hissed. I could feel my inner wolf getting ver happy, yet angry at the way he was talking to us, like we were beneath him.

"We understand that you cannot help who your mate is, but all we ask is that you take care of her, protect her please."ShiAnne spoke softly, if it wasn't for my wolf hearing, i probably wouldn't have heard her. "I understand, but what's the catch?" I asked. Everyone looked surprised. "Come on there has to be a catch?" I asked.

"Well, we need to know where Niall is, and if anyone comes for the girls, we need to know that you'll be here if it all turns into a war." Harry said. I looked at them shocked, that's all they wanted? If so, It can surely be arranged. "Done.." Was all i said, as for Niall, i stood and walked over to the hall closet. There he was asleep in the corner.

"He's been there the whole time?" Liam asked.

"Yup, i compelled him to sleep." I said walking over to the crib. I stopped and looked back at ShiAnne and Louis. "May i?"I asked pointing to Summer. They nodded and gave me warm smiles. I picked her up, her scent hit me like a ton of bricks, Vanilla and roses. My wolf was going crazy, begging to take control. had to fight to keep him inside.

Okay, let me explain. I'm a wolf and every wolf has a mate. A person who specifically designed for you, your soul mate basically. They have a certain scent that only you can smell. Once you find them, you refuse to let them out of your sight, let alone another male near them. When something like thag happens, your inner wolf takes over. Your inner wolf is like the wolf version of you, but more aggressive. You'll do any and everything for your mate to make her happy and protect her. That's exactly what i plan on doing with Summer.

As i held her, i felt as though i had been complete, like i was whole. Sparks flew as she held my index finger in her tiny hand. I'd waited forever to find my mate and now that i had her she wasn't leaving my sight. Currently i was playing with Summer when Louis came over and took her from me, i growled. "Why are you taking her from me?" i asked anger lingered in my words.

"Its time for her and Serenity to go to bed."He said calmly. I nodded and walked away. As they walked by everyone said their goodbyes. "Goodnight princess." Harry cooed to her. My wolf didn't like that and neither did i. I stomped over to him "MINE!" I growled using my Alpha voice, he bowed his head in submission "Sorry.." He said moving away.

"Hey, hey no need to get all Alpha on my friend." ShiAnne said calmly.

I sent her a death glare "You already know how wolves are, so don't tell me not to get all Alpha!" I growles through clenched teeth.

"I'm sorry, your right.. i should know by now" She said looked down and slightly chuckling. At that moment Louis, Niall and Liam walked in.

"What'd you mean you should know by now?" Zayn asked sitting on the couch.

"Well a while ago, Lucas and I had a thing. I almost became the Luna of his pack." She confessed shyly. All eyes darted from her to me, then to Louis. His breathing increased as he spoke.

"You Almost became what!!?" Louis said stomping over to me.

"You heard her, she almost become my Luna. It never happened because we broke up, but now that i have my mate, She'll be my new Luna." I said smirking. Louis inched closer to my face. "Louis, i wouldn't if i were you." I said as i felt my wolf fighting for control. Then he pushed me. That's when my wolf lost it and i let him completely take control.

"Who do you think you are??! I am the Alpha, you will not push me, you will not raise your voice at me, and you will mot disrespect me!! You got that pretty boy!? Next time that happens i won't hesitate to snap your neck. Lucas may be nice and lenient, but I'm not! I am the big bad wolf, your worse night mare! So i advise you never to cross me again!!" He hissed and then i regained control.

'Pewny Matsya' My wolf thought to me. I chuckled and turned to Louis.

"I warned you Louis." I said and walked upstairs into the girls room, only to find a figure hovering over their crib.

Louis and I , A Match Made In HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now