Chapter. 16

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Zayn POV

We hear a door slam. We all looked up at the top of the stairs to see a very emotional ShiAnne. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she looked as if she was about to explode. I rushed over to her. "Shi are you okay love, what happened up there.?" It took her a minute to reply but finally she said "Louis broke up with El because she was asking him to between me and her. He chose me and then she called back and he... apologized" My mouth gaped open in shock. I knew i wasn't the only one who found this to be shocking because when she said that i heard 2 other people gasp behind me. Harry stepped forward to embrace her but she stepped back. He looked a little taken back by this, but once he took another look at her, his facial expression softened. "I'm sorry Harry. I just can't risk hurting anyone else. Look at what a mess I've made. I'm the cause of it all. I caused Liam to leave, I broke his heart, i used him. I caused Louis and Eleanor to split and now she probably hates me.! I'm such a mess right now, so confused. I don't know why Louis even chose me. You all heard him at the hospital he hates me, he wishes he never would've met me. He lied to me, told me-" I could no longer take this. Seeing her soo distraught and hurt. Seeing her so broken and all this talk is just bringing her down. So i think its time i take some of the burden off her shoulders. "Look ShiAnne, the reason Louis did what he did was because he didn't want you to be as hurt as you were. He hated seeing you so broken and torn, so he did the only thing he thought would help you, he set you free. ShiAnne he loves you dearly and everything he ever told you was the truth. I'm sorry we didn't tell you this sooner we just thought eventually he would tell you himself, but i guess not." I looked up at her and i couldn't read her expression. it was a mixture of hurt, anger and relief. Her tears started to flow again as she turned towards Niall and Harry. "Did you two know about this?" Niall and Harry looked at each other and sighed in defeat. Guess she caught on quickly because she became angry. "Really Niall! Really Harry!?, you all knew he was lying and "trying" to keep me from anymore hurt, yet you helped him keep his little secret and watched as i broke down. Some friends you are!" That's all she said before she walked out the front door. Louis came rushing out his room, his eyes all red and puffy from crying. "What happened, where is she??!" Concern filled his voice. I put my head down, afraid of what he might say when we tell him she knows he was lying. I guess Harry sensed that and stepped forward. "We umm... sorta told her how you lied back at the hospital... and umm she kinda stormed out." He shot us all a look I'll never forget. "How could you guys tell her?!" "She deserved to know!" Naill argued back. "Yeah eventually but not now.! She's out there right now all alone. She's not in the right mind state to be out there. She angry and i need to go find her." Louis said but Harry and i objected. "No! She hates you right now and I'm pretty sure Niall is the only one she'll talk to right now." "Yeah they've grown very close" Harry added. "Then its settled I'll go. I'll do my best to calm her down and console her. I'm sure she feels alone and betrayed." and with that he went out the door to find her.

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