Chapter 20

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ShiAnne short POV

I gave Louis one last hug and headed up the stairs. "Hey where you going love?" Zayn asked. "I'm pretty tired, so I'm gonna go get some rest." They all gave me worried looks, so i thought I'd put their minds at ease. "Boys I'll be fine, don't worry. If i need anything, i won't hesitate to ask." That seem to work on everyone except Louis and Harry. "Hey love, you never told us how you found out you were pregnant." Harry said. I gave him the 'if you say one more thing to me, i will attack you' face. I guess he got the message because when i made that face he said "Alright, alright love go get some rest, but this conversation is not over." He said with a sly smirk. I headed into Louis's room, changed clothes and layed down to rest. Took me a while to fall asleep because i was thinking about everything, but eventually i drifted into the realm of unconsciousness.

Liam POV

What am i supposed to do?? She slept with Louis and now the baby she is carrying, could possibly be his. I want to be the father so bad. I am kinda hoping that if i am the father, she'll wanna be with me. I just really love her, but i can't help but notice the chemistry between those two. The way he looks at her, the way she smiles at him, it all makes me angry. What does he have that i don't? She can't possibly say money, because we're in the same band making the same amount of money. Why can't she see I'll be a perfect father, they don't call me 'Daddy Direction' for nothing. My thought made me laugh. Anyways enough with this kinda talk, time to get some rest. after all i might be a father.

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