Chapter 25

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ShiAnne POV

Yay my best friend is finally with the guy of her dreams, literally. We ordered iur food, ate and then we left. Delaney decided to spend the night with us, more specifically Harry. When we arrived back at the flat, i figured. I'd call my parents. By now i had been gone for months and they had no idea i was in London and pregnant. I excused myself from the living room to make the call, Louis gave me a concerned look, but i gave him a reassuring smile and headed into his room. It rung about three times before someone actually picked it up. "Hello?" i said. There was a pause but then someone said "ShiAnne is that you?" it sounded like my mother, i smiled a bit. "Hey mom, how ya been.?" "I've been worried sick about you, where are you I'm coming to get you right now." she sounded angry. "umn well mom its a long story, but I'm in London with all the members of One Direction. I'm pregnant by one of them, but i won't know who until the baby comes. I know this is a lot to take in, but just know I'm safe, and well taken care of." I heard sobs through the phone. "Baby please come home, we miss you." i felt a tear run down my cheek. "I miss you too mom, but i don't think now is the best time to come home. I'm 2 months pregnant i can't just up and leave." "Look you little whore, your coming home whether you Like it or not. I've spent months looking for you and now that I've found you I'm coming to get you." i gasped. "Good luck with that mother. You'll never see me again. I tried to be a good daughter and reassure you that I'm alive and well but no you had to turn bitchy on me so goodbye!" I hung up and threw the phone at the wall. It shattered into pieces. "You know your mother is just doing what all mom's do." i heard a deep voice say from behind me. "Look Louis i know, but I'm just over emotional, you being this and all." i said pointing to my belly. I had a small bump and it was clearly noticeable. "Hey umm speaking of pregnant, the doctor called and told me the gender." My eyes shot to him. "What is it?!" i said almost knocking him over. "woah calm down, its going to be a....."

Mwahaha what will it be a boy or girl!!?

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