Chapter 43

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ShiAnne POV

Fast forward 1 month

Well its been a month since me and Louis got engaged. I am now 8, almost 9 months pregnant. We've been busy planning the wedding and we decided that we're going to have a under the sea type theme. (Ha figures huh lol) We also decided to have the wedding before the twins are born. We have everything already picked out bridesmaids, the best man and the flower girls. We've even decided on names for the girls. At first we were thinking Catherine and Celia, but then Liam came up with the most perfect names... Summer and Serenity Tomlinson. My life is perfect i couldn't ask for more. My mother hasn't come back to visit us, and so far no one has come and tried to threaten us or the girls. We all are positive that a threat is near, but for now we're enjoying our time together as a family.

Currently i was sitting on the couch, talking to my huge belly. You see lately the girls have been some what communicating with Louis and i. "Hey girls, can't wait until your born. I just want to hold both of you little munchkins!" I said enthusiastically. They started kicking and maneuvering around, i giggled. "So mommy and daddy have picked out your names, would you like to hear them?" I asked. Instantly i got a response of kicks. "Okay okay calm down." a voice said from behind me, i smiled, i knew that voice anywhere.. Louis. He walked over a placed a hand on my stomach. "Hello my beautiful girls, or shall i say Summer and Serenity Tomlinson." He looked up and smiled at me as the girls continued going ballistic over hearing the names. We could tell they loved the names." So is anyone up for dinner?" Niall yelled walking in. I heard a chorus of 'Yeahs' and 'Yes' as the rest of the boys emerged from different locations. "Alright let me just-" As i stood a sharp pain shot through my stomach. "Ahhh!" I screamed as i hunched over in pure agony. All of the boys rushed to my side. "Love what's wrong?!" Louis asked panicking. "Are you in labor???" Harry asked. "I think its just A contraction let it pass." I said reassuring them. They didn't look convinced at all. "Boys come on lets go eat." I said playing off the fact my stomach was in terrible pain. We made it halfway out the door, when all of a sudden i felt something wet splash on the floor. I started panicking, was that my water.?It couldn't be i wasn't due for another month. All the boys rushed to their jobs. Niall called our "Special" doctors, Zayn and Harry ran the water in the tub, Liam was helping me breath and Louis helped me undress, then carried me bridal style to the bathroom. I knew it was time, i just was really scared if they'd be premature or not. A few minutes of the boys trying to get me to breath through the pain, the doctors walked in. "So miss are you ready?" he asked nicely, i nodded. "Well seeing your in Matsya form they will exit a pouch on your left side, so you still must push, you prepared Miss?" He asked once more, i nodded, just ready to get them out of me. He signaled for me to go, and then i knew, it was time to push.

Louis and I , A Match Made In HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now