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001. | ❛ we have a long night ahead.

Once in the Louisiana junkyard where Luna told Klaus that the wolves were meeting, they were discussing were to go

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Once in the Louisiana junkyard where Luna told Klaus that the wolves were meeting, they were discussing were to go. Bunch of commotion is heard between the wolves , suddenly , they're cut off by the sound of one of the wolves screaming in agony outside, which startles them so much that they both jump. Hayley, Jackson, Luna,and some others wolves run to see what has happened, only to find Klaus, who rips the wolves' throat out with his own fingernails. Hayley is horrified, which only makes Klaus more satisfied.

"Klaus" Luna said running to him, and him extending his arm for her hug.

"Good evening, Crescents. It will come as no surprise to learn that things will not be ending well for you." Jackson, looking anxious, steps in front of Hayley before calling back to her, though he doesn't take his eyes off of Klaus

"I can't believe you did this to us. Your siding with him!"Hayley yelled at her. Luna was going to respond but Klaus pushes her back.

Jackson whispers,"Go back inside. Get Hope and Mary out of here."

"I can help you!"
Jackson sternly,"I'll be right behind you."

Hayley frowns,"Jack..."

"Just get Hope, and run."Hayley looks reluctant to leave him behind, but after a moment, she vamp-speeds away. Jackson gulps nervously before addressing the other wolves, who have no surrounded Klaus

Jackson says,"Let's take him!"
After the break, Klaus and the wolves are in a vicious fight. Klaus grabs one of the wolves and shoves his head through a glass window, which shatters upon impact with his skull. Luna tried not to hurt her own kind but still managed to fight them off. Klaus shoves another into the tree, but is quickly grabbed by a third, who holds onto Klaus so that Jackson can hit him with an arrow, which lodges into his chest. Klaus angrily swings around and shoves the werewolf into a nearby bus before pulling the arrow out and giving Jackson a pitying look.

Klaus said incredulously,"You think you can defeat me with your toys?"

Jackson replied,"We're just getting warmed up."

Klaus chuckles,"So, Hayley runs, and you hold the line. How valiant. Not too bright, though. You do remember our last, somewhat-one-sided altercation?"

Jackson continued the fight ,"This ain't gonna be like last time." While Jackson flashes his yellow eyes at Klaus.

Klaus is yelling at the top of his lungs as he continues to fight against Jackson and the werewolves. Luna tried to pull Jackson away from Klaus, but resulted in Luna being thrown against a tree.

Klaus screams while various wolves lunge at him and attempt to tackle him, but Klaus just punches and kicks until they fall to the ground. Klaus rushes to his love and checks on her injuries. Jackson rushes up behind him and punches him several times in the stomach and face until Klaus backhands him so hard that he flies backwards.

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