forty three.

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043. | ❛ no more heartbreak.

Within Klaus' illusion, standing in the gallery square, several jazz musicians are playing nearby as Luna watches the painters with intrigue as Klaus walks towards her

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Within Klaus' illusion, standing in the gallery square, several jazz musicians are playing nearby as Luna watches the painters with intrigue as Klaus walks towards her.

"The painter. The music, the crowd.. This is the night you took me out. You remember every detail. I must have made an impression."

"You know very well you did."

They both stand by and watch the painter, as they did that first night.

"We talked about the artist wanting to control his demons. Do you think he ever did?"

"Some demons will not be tamed."

"We just do the best we can.. and never give up."

"I'm getting tired.." She stumbles slightly and Klaus quickly grabs her arms to help her.


"It's funny.. even though we're so different. I feel like I've always known you. Maybe it's because I've been in your mind, or maybe that's just how you know you love someone."

"I do love you, you know?"

Her smile suddenly fades as the realization of her impending death finally sinks in, and her eyes begin to fill with tears.

"I thought you were going to tell me that tomorrow..? I really don't have another tomorrow, do I? The noise, the people.. will you make it go away?"

Klaus turns slightly and the people, the noise around them vanish. Although as he turns back to her, she grips him in panic when the lights begin to flicker around them.

"Klaus? What-what-what's happening?"

Outside of their illusion, Klaus slowly turns his head towards Luna's still figure on the bed, emotion clear on his face as the sound of a soft heartbeat begins to slow. In the illusion, Luna is beginning to frightened at the prospect as Klaus turns to her.

"Your heart is slowing. But it still beats. You're fighting, because you want to live."

Luna begins to cry sofly in fear,"I wanted to be brave. I wanted to handle this with dignity. But I.. I can't. I.. I don't want to go. I'm so scared."

"I'm here. I'm here."

"So much for the brave wolf, huh? When I said I was ready to die, I was full of it. And fail you completely."

Her soft panting due to crying is impairing her speech slightly as the scene flickers between Klaus holding her hand on the bed, and illusion-Klaus attempting to console her.

"Don't you think for a moment that you failed me. You stayed my hand. Quelled my rage. You inspired goodness in me. And unlike all of the souls I've encountered and forgotten in the long march of time... I will carry you with me."

"I guess that makes me immortal."

She cries quietly, and outside of the illusion, Klaus is holding her hand as black veins begin to creep down her arm.

Klaus sits Luna down upon the side of a fountain in the street as she begins to weaken.

"Klaus, I think you know what you need to do." Luna looks into his eyes knowing that she will have to give up her baby in order to live.

Klaus cries a little before nodding and fetching Freya breaking the illusion for a small second before he returns.

Luna is obviously weaker than before but is being rushed by her friends to the cemetery in order to make a deal with the Ancestors.

"No, no, no, no.. not yet, just stay a bit longer?"

"Do you remember the Bible verse on John's headstone?"

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

"I was never naive enough to think that.. I was your light. But there is light in you. All that anger, the cycle of abuse that Mikael began, you can end it. You have to. So you can be the light for your little girl. For Hope."

Tears fall down Klaus' face as Camille takes several breaths and collapses against his chest.

"Do not be afraid. If you go, you go now where many have gone before you. And where even I will go in time. Just know.. there will be no more pain. No more heartbreak. You will find peace."

Klaus looks at Freya who nods him indicating that the Ancestors accepted the deal, and that the baby was sacrificed.

And with one fell swoop, Luna wakes up with one sharp gasp.

ᵐᵒᵒⁿˢ ▸ 𝐊𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐒 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍 ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora