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015. | ❛ i see why nik is so taken with you.

Aurora, who is driving in a black town car, has just pulled into the small parking lot behind St

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Aurora, who is driving in a black town car, has just pulled into the small parking lot behind St. Anne's Church. Once she's parked, she gets out of the vehicle and walks around until she reaches the trunk, which she opens to find Luna just as she left her the previous night-- seemingly unconscious with a blood-crusted bite wound on her neck. Aurora smiles at the sight of her.

"Aw, poor dear! Still sleeping. Well, you have a big day ahead of you. We should get started." Aurora smiles even wider and bends over to pick Luna up out of the trunk. However, before she can even begin to lift her up, Luna reveals that she has been awake all along by quickly opening her eyes and grabbing the crowbar laying next to her before whacking Aurora upside the face with it. Aurora shouts in pain as Luna takes advantage of her distraction and tries to run away.

"Ahh!" Luna runs as fast as she can in the opposite direction of Aurora, but the ancient vampire catches up to her easily and blocks her way, glaring at her in annoyance as she does so.

"That was not nice." Luna's eyes widen, and she appears to be so scared that she simply freezes in place.

"Okay, you and I need to have a little heart-to-heart conversation. Come along." Aurora grabs her by the arm and drags her into the back entrance to the church. Once inside, they find at least a half-dozen men working out in Marcel's fight gym. One is lifting weights at the bench press while another man spots him, and two other men are sparring inside the cage. Luna looks terrified as Aurora continues to drag her toward the equipment.

"What-what are we doing here?"

"I heard a rumor these men train here, hoping to be made into vampires. So, I'm going to grant them their wish."

Aurora shoves Luna forward, and Luna quickly turns to face her with a pleading expression.

"Klaus and I are having just a little bit of a spat at the moment, as he took my brother captive. Now, it's come to my attention that you are... still quite precious to him." Aurora laughs bitterly and takes a good look at Luna's appearance.

"So, I'm taking you. And these "lovely, delicious, delightful" specimens are going to provide incentive!"

Aurora looks over at the men sparring in the ring before turning back to Luna.

"Once they're in transition, they'll need to feed." Aurora circles around Luna and brushes Luna's hair off of her shoulders to reveal her neck.

"I'm just a hybrid, I can't provide any human blood."

"I know that darling but vampires in transition are very hungry and powerful. Well, Nik had better give me what I want," Aurora then grabs Luna by her hair and shoves her so hard she collapses onto the ground. She then raises her voice to call out to all of the men working out in the gym.

ᵐᵒᵒⁿˢ ▸ 𝐊𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐒 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍 ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora