twenty two.

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022. | ❛ feed it to the dogs.

Luna becomes weary and stumbles upon walking but Klaus catches her before she proceeds any further

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Luna becomes weary and stumbles upon walking but Klaus catches her before she proceeds any further.

"You need to feed before it gets worse."

Klaus gulps anxiously, and Elijah gives him a serious look before he continues, tapping Klaus on the chest for emphasis.

"We finish this."

The Mikaelson brothers supporting Luna, along with the slowly healing Hayley, walk over to the shipping container to talk to Tristan, who seems resigned to his fate.

"So, this is to be my end?"

Elijah smiles at him patronizingly, and Klaus smirks as he leans against the door of the container. However, Hayley continues to scowl at him with hatred and fury.

"No, no. This is the very beginning! You are going to the bottom of the ocean, where you will drown in darkness again and again and again over the course of centuries."

As Elijah speaks, a tear rolls down Hayley's cheek as she remembers how Tristan killed Jackson.

"This will be your splendidly horrific and perpetual end."

"What have you done with my sister?"

"Nothing... yet. But, I assure you, her death will be spectacular."

Tristan looks even more worried now, but when Elijah and Klaus go to close the door, Hayley and Luna stop them.


Luna walks over to him and looks him face to face.

"I hope that I never see your face again because if I do, I'll personally rip out your own heart and feed it to the dogs." Luna spit onto suit and walking away.

Hayley walks forward so that she can look Tristan straight in the eye.

"You took a very good man from this world. He will be with me forever, but you? You will be forgotten. And as you rot in the ocean, remember my face."

She reaches over to grab the shipping container door and begins to close it.

"Because it's gonna be the last one you ever see." Hayley slams the door shut with a loud bang.

"Ugh, the light is killing me. I forgot how painful transitioning was."

"You'll adjust." Luna stumbles into the study, visibly overwhelmed by her heightened senses.

"Why is this music so loud? Why does everything hurt so much?" She manages to make it to the desk and leans against it for support.

"As soon as you feed, your heightened senses will cease to be painful and become... euphoric. You must certainly remember from the first time." Instead of being comforted by this information, Luna scowls at Klaus.

"You just assume I'm going to do it?" Klaus' smile falls when he realizes what she's implying.

"Feed on human blood?" Klaus, caught off-guard, struggles to find the words to respond, but Luna cuts him off as she makes her way to the couch to sit down.

"What did I expect? I chose to live here, right along all of you, knowing what you are, love you. What the hell did I think was going to happen? This was only ever gonna end one way." Luna pauses for a moment before speaking.

"I deserve this all over again." Klaus looks horrified by Luna's emotional state.

"No one deserves this! Not unless they choose it, and some of us don't have that choice. We just have to survive what is forced upon us. I just finished with Cami's transition and now I have to deal with yours."

"Klaus, the last time I fed on human blood while in transitioning I killed him. I killed a stranger because I wanted to be with you. I'm scared Klaus, I don't want to go through this again. I could barely control it the last time.But I do have a choice. I can choose not to feed." Klaus' eyes widen in alarm and fear.

"Stop it! I will not entertain this kind of talk any longer. You must feed." Klaus walks toward her and looks her straight in the eyes.

"I need you." He cups her cheeks

"This is not about you. This is about me. I like who I am! I've spent my entire life being this exact version of sane when I turned the first time. And if I turn again ... I don't know what I'll be. I don't know who I'll be."

"I know. I know you'll be an extension of the person you are now. You'll be strong, and... and understanding, and brave..."

"No. You don't know me! You think you know me, but you don't. There is a darkness inside of everyone, Klaus. What if mine takes over?"

"I won't let it."

"How are you so sure that I won't turn dark? You said so yourself to not mistake the allure of darkness, even the purest hearts are drawn to it. If you think I'm this angel then I'll go dark one of these days. I'm not ready for that.... I can't." She drops to her knees and starts sobbing while pushing her hair back.

"Luna, my moon, you aren't going to let it take over. I won't allow it. We'll get through it together." Klaus lifts her head as they look into each other's eyes.

Luna simply nods and walks away causing Klaus to follow. Klaus hesitantly walks, where he's drawn into the living room by the sound of a loud slurping noise. He is both surprised and a little concerned when he sees that the table is covered in several empty blood bags, and that Luna has just finished the one in her hands. Surprised that Luna has gotten to the blood bags so fast shocks him.

"Luna?" Klaus said nervously

"I hope you don't mind-- I helped myself to the Mikaelson family blood stash. Type O-negative. Just a hint of copper aftertaste."

Klaus looks worried,"How do you feel?"

"I have to admit... The first time I transitioned, it felt strange, that metallic taste. But now, it was like electricity coursing through my body, a million stars exploding in my mind all at once like nothing I have ever felt before."

She stands to her feet and walks over to him confidently, and once they're face-to-face, she smiles at him devilishly.

"It was amazing. And all I can think now, is... I want to do it again"

She looks up at Klaus seductively, and after a moment, Klaus smiles proudly.

A/N: I wanted Luna to transition again (don't ask me how a hybrid can transition again because I just made it up.) But I want her and Cami to have like these killings together and turn into these bad ass vampires. Klaus trying to comfort Luna into drinking blood made me day.

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