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006. | ❛ a true beauty.

Elijah is in the middle of his own workout at the new gym Marcel has set up at St

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Elijah is in the middle of his own workout at the new gym Marcel has set up at St. Anne's church, where he is vigorously punching and kicking a punching bag. After a moment, he gets so heated in his exercise that he punches the bag clear across the room, where it knocks over a bench press and hand-weights. When he turns around, he sees that Luna has entered the room with a small card in her hands. She addresses him with a mocking tone.

"Something the matter, Elijah? There's nothing you want to talk about? Like... The Strix?"

Elijah pulls out a towel and uses it to blot the sweat from his face. When he doesn't respond, Luna reads the black invitation in her hands aloud to him.

"I do hope that you can come, old chum. Signed, Tristan. Who the hell says chum anymore?"

She waves the invitation in the air and gives Elijah a look as he walks over to pluck the invite out of her hands to read it for himself.

"I was picking was on my way out when some vampire dropped it off."

Elijah continues to skim the invitation, which reads in full "You are cordially invited to an evening of exquisite excess. The Davilla Estate, 7041 St. Charles Avenue. Midnight," along with Tristan's personal note at the end that Luna read aloud.

"You care to fill me in?"

Elijah quietly says,"This isn't your concern."

Elijah starts to walk past Luna, but she grabs him by the arm and stops him.

"Oh, but it is."

Luna then vamp-speeds them both over to the cage, where she pins him to the chain-link wall by the throat.

"So, why don't you cut the protective macho crap and tell me what's going on. I'm part of this family too, Elijah. I thought you of all people would act like it."

Elijah, who looks surprised by her tenacity, spins them so he is now pinning Luna against the wall by her wrists

"So, what do you want to know?"


Hayley is in Rebekah's old room at the compound, where she's searching through a stack of clothes she's laid out on her bed for an outfit for The Strix's party and muttering to herself under her breath.

"Come on, Rebekah. You've gotta have something..."

Just then, Luna enters the room from behind her and smiles. She's already dressed in her sky blue dress though her hair still isn't fixed up yet.

"May I?" Luna insists

Luna searches through the pile of dresses until she finds a bright red taffeta gown with open shoulders and hands it to Hayley, who smiles sheepishly as she ducks into the attached bathroom to change into it.

ᵐᵒᵒⁿˢ ▸ 𝐊𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐒 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍 ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora