thirty eight.

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038. | ❛ we will have our

Freya, Luna, and Elijah have just returned to the compound and are struggling to carry the writhing Finn into the living room as he shouts incoherently

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Freya, Luna, and Elijah have just returned to the compound and are struggling to carry the writhing Finn into the living room as he shouts incoherently.

"Don't leave me in here! Don't leave me alone!"

"Put him down."

Freya does as she's told and sets Finn down on the couch as she tries to calm him.

"Hey, hey, hey. You're not alone, Finn. I'm here."

Elijah tries to help steady him, and Finn grabs him tightly by the hand and stares him in the eyes.

"Don't leave..."

"Why is he talking like this?"

"It's hallucinations of our betrayal. It's his nightmare."

Just then, Kol walks into the room, looking unbothered by the sight of Finn's discomfort as he heads straight for the opposite couch, where he flops onto his back.

"Well, he looks awful. Werewolf bite. That's got to hurt, mate. So, Lucien's a bloody hybrid?"

"We don't know what he is. His venom seems to work twice as fast."

"That's good. Maybe it'll work through his system twice as fast."

Kol gets up and shrugs nonchalantly as he turns to leave the room.

"Or it's twice as lethal. Now, if Niklaus doesn't get here in time, he might die."

"With a bit of luck..."

Freya gets up and punches Kol in the face, causing him to vamp-out at her.

"What is wrong with you?"

"Behave yourselves! Both of you."

Just then, Klaus walks in from the opposite door and breaks up their argument.

"Sibling squabbling. How familiar. Although, the teams seem to have changed... Someone care to tell me why?"

"Klaus!" Luna rushes over to his side embracing him in a small hug before Elijah interrupted their moment.

"Our brother needs us."

Finn moans and wheezes from the couch, and the sight of him wipes the smirk off of Klaus' face. Klaus looks between Finn and Elijah for a moment before sighing in exasperation and walking over to Finn. He rolls up his sleeve, bites his wrist, and feeds Finn his blood while the others watch in varying states of surprise.

"Thank you, brother."

"How are you feeling?"

"I feel... strangely euphoric."

Klaus smirks at Luna, "I've been known to have that effect."

Kol, who has been watching from afar, claps slowly and dramatically.

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