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011. | ❛ pick me, choose me, love me.

Pain comes in all forms

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Pain comes in all forms. The small twinge, a bit of soreness, the random pain, the normal pains that we live with everyday. Then there's the kind of pain you can't ignore. A level of pain so great that it blocks out everything else; makes the rest of your world fade away until all we can think about is how much we hurt. How we manage our pain is up to us. Pain. We anaesthetize, ride it out, embrace it, ignore it... and for some of us, the best way to manage pain is to just push through it.

Luna's phone rang for what seemed like the hundredth time. Looking over to the Caller ID revealed Klaus once calling again. She reckons that at this point her voicemail is probably full from all the missing phone calls she got.

After the fiasco of last night, Luna headed to a place where she knew that felt like home, the bayou. It was peaceful and was remote to anybody. The swamp was alright and at least she wouldn't necessarily be found easily.

She sat on the porch of the shack and was just reminiscing over the time that Klaus and her would meet and have a quick rendezvous under the full moon. Thinking back to those simple times brought on much heartache thinking of Klaus and Aurora.

Hearing the crumpling off leaves, she shot up to her feet ready to attack, when she sees her Alpha queen.

"I got to say I'm surprise that they sent you. "Luna sitting down on the steps once again.

"They didn't sent me. I knew that you would come here. After all, I can see why." Hayley said taking a seat next to Luna.

"I heard what happened."

"I'd rather not discuss the topic, after all he's probably with her right now." Luna stood to her feet and started to walk away deeper into the bayou.

"Luna, you can't walk away from this. Sooner or later you're going to have to face him." Hayley yelled after her.

"She kissed him right in front of me and Klaus, after moments pulled away. I would like to believe that he felt something for me but her coming back into town is the downfall of our relationship." Luna jerked back at her.

"Love is putting yourself out there, making yourself vulnerable and hoping you don't get dropped on your ass. But its so worth it because that guaranteed happiness and deep connection with one person is a feeling no one could replace.I'll admit Klaus is a bit of a bastard but..... I never saw him more happier than with you. It's like you make him a better person and when he's around you it's like nothing else matters but you." Hayley said trying to sway her.

"He should of thought of that when he was kissing her!" She said throwing the mug at a tree causing it to break into pieces. Only after seconds did Hayley see that Luna was fighting back her tears. Hayley rushed over to her and hugged her from the side.

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