thirty one.

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031. | ❛ you need to focus.

Luna is kneeling on the floor in front of Elijah and Klaus, who are on their hands and knees and gasping as they try to staunch the blood flow from their slit throats

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Luna is kneeling on the floor in front of Elijah and Klaus, who are on their hands and knees and gasping as they try to staunch the blood flow from their slit throats. Behind them is Tristan and Aurora, who are watching silently.

"I need you to focus. Show me what represents you so I can break you out." Freya says trying to help her brothers.

Aurora starts to walk toward Freya to stop her as Klaus manages to growl under his breath

"The kings..."

"The knights..."

Freya stands to her feet and rushes over to the chessboard, and Tristan smirks smugly, indicating that their guesses about their representations are wrong.

Freya has just made it to the chessboard, where she picks up two pieces-- a black king and a white knight-- before desperately turning back to her brothers.

"Which is it? The kings or the knights? We need to decide now."

Aurora is giggling in amusement as she watches Freya try to figure out which chess pieces to destroy.

"How perfect! Even in this crucial hour, your ignorance blinds you."

Aurora kneels in front of the brothers and stares an angry Klaus in the eyes

"Even if you never learn from your sins, at least you will die because of them... and I get to watch."

Suddenly, Klaus gets an idea and weakly calls out to Freya,"Take the queens. The women we betrayed represent us."

Freya spins and grabs one of the queens from the chessboard,"Aurora... Aya."

Freya clutches the black queen tightly and begins to destroy them with her magic.

Suddenly, Elijah and Luna awaken in the pool though the Sisters don't seem to notice immediately.

Before they can continue, Elijah vamp-speeds to his feet in the pool and grabs Cynthia by the front of her cloak, pulling her into the water and both drowning her and feeding on her at the same time.

Marcel and Hayley have just finished recovering from being thrown into the wall, and while Davina and the remaining Sisters are trying their best to complete the spell, it's obvious that they're terrified and unsure of what to do. Once Cynthia is dead, Elijah leaps out of the water and snaps the neck of one of the other Sisters while Hayley does the same to another. Marcel leaps to his feet and pleads with Davina. Luna grabs one of the Sisters and snaps her neck while drinking from her and dropping her body in the pool.

"Davina, stop!" Davina stands to her feet and rushes away, though she still continues chanting the spell.

Davina has just thrust her hand toward Klaus as she continues the sireline unlinking spell

ᵐᵒᵒⁿˢ ▸ 𝐊𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐒 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍 ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora