forty one.

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041. | ❛ so i'm screwed?

Luna goes to check out Cami's apartment to thank her for what she did for Klaus

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Luna goes to check out Cami's apartment to thank her for what she did for Klaus. Going up the stairs and to the door of Cami's, she comes to a full halt when she sees Lucien.

"Darling Luna, I've come to visit Cami but seeing you might be better after all." Lucien says getting closer as Luna tries to make a quick escape but he beats her to it. Luna attempts to fight him. He blocks both of her punches with his hands, grabbing her arm and vamping-out before sinking his double fangs into her arm, causing Luna to scream in pain.

The floor is cluttered with destroyed items of the hallway. Luna is lying on the floor, unconscious when Lucien stands over her.

"Ah, all the makings of a lovely day."

Lucien walks around Luna, pushing all the things aside, the clatter awakens Cami who immedeitly looks at the bite on her arm in horror and sits up, gasping. Lucien smiles and walks towards her.

"Ah, Luna! Finally awake! Perfect. You've got a big day ahead of you."

"You bit me."

"And sampled quite abit of your blood, actually. Very tasty, although more bitter than I expected."

"Oh my god, I'm gonna die."

"Yeah, apologies. But, to be honest your days were numbered the moment you caught Nik's eye. 'Tis ever thus for those who get close to the bastard. Myself excluded."

Lucien turns his back and Luna quickly starts russling in her bag.

"Oh, please Luna. Have you not learned? If you try to fight me you will always lose."

Luna throws a dark object star she got from Cami, towards Lucien, which embeds in his neck, distracting him as Luna runs away. Lucien pulls out the star and it drops to the floor as he slowly turns around smiling. Luna makes her way outside and stops against a wall to check on her bite, before heading towards the house.

Luna is shown quickly hurrying into the Compound, panting.


Klaus almost immedeitly appears before her,"What is it?"

"Something happened and you're going to be angry, but Lucien wants you to be angry. He's trying to lure you into a trap."

"What did he do?"

"Promise me you won't fly off the handle and do something crazy. Promise me."

Klaus turns his head and sees the bite on Luna's arm. He takes her arm and pulls up the sleeve, examininig the bite.

"Before you lose it... Klaus, look at me. I love you. And I won't let you get yourself killed."


Luna faints and Klaus catches her. Luna holds Klaus' face between her hands,"I just need you to know just in case you can't hear it again."

"I can tell you I love you tomorrow."

Klaus picks her up and carries her further into the Compound,"You're not dying today."

Luna is sat on the sofa, looking around wearily, looking considerably paler than before and seemingly cannot hear Hayley stood beside her calling her name. Freya and Klaus are near the doorway talking quietly.

"Luna, Luna? Luna, hey. Are you alright?"

Hayley walks towards her and sit on the sofa opposite,"Yeah. Considering."

Klaus turns around from Freya carrying a cloth and an open jar, Freya following behind him.

"Hold still. This is going to burn."

Klaus sits on the sofa next to her and takes her arm, pressing the cloth to her bite. Luna gasps in pain immedeietly as the substance on the cloth irritates the bite.

"Ow, ow, what is that?"

"It's a healing salve. Motherwort, white willow bark, the recipe's over a thousand years old."

"So the good stuff, huh?"

"It will ease the pain, dull the symptoms, but it won't stop the infection."

"So I'm screwed?"

"We're gonna do everythingg that we can, Luna."

Elijah walks into the room followed by Vincent,"To that end, a little assistance."

"Luna, I'm so sorry."

"You should be, this is your fault. It was you who turned Lucien into a beast."

Klaus stands from the sofa and begins to advance on Vincent, Elijah stops him with a hand on his shoulder.

"Klaus, stop. It's not his fault."

"Luna's right. We all need to work together to fix this."

"Yeah, yeah I think I know how to fix it. Lucien has always been obsessed with me, he made himself like me, my bite is cured by my blood."

"Do you think his blood can save her?"

"It makes sense. Lucien would want that power."

"Allowing him to Lord himself over his victims."

"Okay, so we got a working theory, now we gotta test it."

"Lucien's blood is all the hallway of Cami's apartment, I sliced him all to hell before I ran."

"Okay, I got this one, Lucien's got no reason to be on the lookout for me."

"Maybe we hedge our bets. Hope is a Mikaelson witch who carries the wolf gene, we already know that she's got healing powers."

"It's worth a try."

"I'll tell Mary that I'm coming."

Hayley leaves and after brief eye contact with Klaus, Elijah leaves shortly after her.

Klaus is silently watching over Aurora's covered body, wrapped in a sheet hiding her face, whilst wringing his fingers together anxiously. The shadow of Luna slowly approaches behind him and begins to walk towards him.


"You should be lying down."

"You should be getting me soup. It's the one advantage of being sick."

Luna stops infront of him, standing silent for a moment as he continues to look down at Aurora's still body. Luna glances in her direction briefly before smiling up at Klaus.

"Or we could just stand here and stare at your comatose ex."

"I was wrong to deny you the satisfaction of revenge."

"I know I'm supposed to be this big bad vampire, but all of a sudden I'm not so hung up on revenge. Am I angry at what Aurora and her messed up brother did to me? Yeah, and I've been living in fear of what else she might do, but.. all of that anger and fear, it's not me. I'm the kind of person that helps people like Aurora. I'm not gonna let her take that away from me."

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