thirty nine.

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039. | ❛ another day, another witch inspired vendetta.

Freya is in one of the studies upstairs, where she is sketching a rough draft of a spell in an empty grimoire

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Freya is in one of the studies upstairs, where she is sketching a rough draft of a spell in an empty grimoire. However, she stops what she's doing when she hears footsteps pacing back and forth behind her. It's Klaus, who looks extremely anxious.

"You're hovering."

"I'm supervising. How else to speed up your endeavors? Let's see. Perhaps I should bring Vincent here? Force him to aid you by removing his legs?"

Freya rolls her eyes,"Vincent doesn't know how to kill Lucien, either. Besides, if he leaves the St. James, who knows what the Ancestors will make him do next?"

Just then, Elijah breezes into the room and joins them,"The Ancestors are thoroughly occupied, according to Davina, terrorizing our brother."

"What a surprise! Another day, another witch-inspired vendetta."

"Well, Davina can take care of Kol for now. Let us focus our energies on Lucien. How do we demolish that rodent?"

"Freya's working on it," Luna sighs

"Yes! While we all have our roles to play, Elijah can stay here and oversee whatever Freya is doing. I'm going to actually accomplish something."

"What are you doing?" Luna trails after him.

Elijah looks uneasy as Klaus walks toward the door, and he tries to stop him with little success,"Brother, accomplishing something--"

Klaus loses his temper,"The time for talking is done!"

Visibly frustrated, Klaus walks out the door without another word.

In the upstairs living room, Freya is still sketching with a piece of charcoal. Her rough drafts are covering the coffee table, and Elijah is pacing impatiently while Luna looks from a distance.

"Freya, we are out of time."

"A sigil is a complicated magical symbol, weaponized and condensed to its most potent form. If I combine the right elements, we'll have a chance at stopping Lucien, and if I don't..."

Freya trails off, just as the sound of panicked knocking is heard from downstairs. Freya, Luna, and Elijah give each other an alarmed look as they rush to the courtyard, though Hayley beats them there. She rushes toward Cami with a worried expression.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Klaus... Lucien has him."

Hayley turns to shout for Freya, Luna, and Elijah, who are approaching them as they speak.

"Freya! Invite her in!"

"Yeah, come in, you're invited."

Cami looks nervous as she takes a step forward, and once she crosses the threshold with no problems, she rushes toward them. Hayley takes a look outside to make sure no one else is coming before following the group in the courtyard.

"Tell us what happened." Luna says leading her Ito the courtyard.

"Lucien ambushed him. He knocked him around like it was nothing."

"Did he bite him?"

Cami shakes her head,"No. I think he wanted him alive. I followed them. Lucien took Klaus back to the penthouse."

Just then, Elijah's phone buzzes, and he scowls when he sees that he has received a text from Lucien,"Lucien is demanding my presence at the Whiskey Cask-- alone and immediately. He says if I delay, Niklaus will die."

They all look anxious and overwhelmed as Elijah turns and walks toward the door.

Luna, Cami and Hayley are walking determinedly down the street toward Lucien's apartment while they discuss their game plan.

"Here's the problem-- I haven't been invited into Lucien's penthouse."

"So, you can wave your dark objects in the foyer, and I'll do all the dirty work."

Cami looks concerned as she stops walking, and when Hayley and Lina realize this, she stops and turns back to face them.

"Hey, are you up for this?"

"What if I'm a liability? I've been training, so I can punch a bag, but in a real fight?"

"Cami, here's the thing about being afraid-- if you have to do the thing you're afraid of, then all this fear is for nothing. Either turn it into anger, or leave it at the door. But, either way, you control your emotions, which means you're already one step ahead of Aurora."

"Trust me, that bitch is getting what's coming to her," Luna remarks

Cami nods, knowing that she's right, but when she sees a sign behind Hayley that reads, "Brennan's Pharmacy Prescriptions," she gets a dawning realization that brings a smile to her face.

"Hey, I have an idea..."

ᵐᵒᵒⁿˢ ▸ 𝐊𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐒 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍 ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora