twenty nine.

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029. | ❛ you're scared it's the sire bond.

Freya is pacing around the study while Elijah, looking tense, is standing and watching her

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Freya is pacing around the study while Elijah, looking tense, is standing and watching her. She turns and gives him an incredulous look. Luna looks outside the balcony while the siblings argue.

"You daggered Rebekah? And you're just telling us now?"

"She sacrificed herself in order to protect us. And, to protect her, I've told Niklaus, and I'm telling you. No one would have known Rebekah's whereabouts if Aurora had taken my life."

"The prophecy says you three will be felled by friend, family, and foe. Rebekah was fallen by family. That leaves friend and foe. You and Klaus have a lot of foes."

"Just one or two."

"Thankfully, not many friends."

Just then, Klaus walks into the room with Stefan in tow,"Freya, this is Stefan Salvatore, an old friend."

Luna turns around and gives a strong embrace to her long friend to which she met a while ago in the small town of Mystic Falls. She smiles at him dearly only to receive a small sadden smile in return.

Elijah hilariously rolls his eyes at the sight of Stefan, and Freya gives Klaus a hard look.

"One of my trickle-down sirelings. Long story." Klaus turns to Stefan,"Stefan, this is Freya, my brand-new older sister. Also a long story."

"You're the famous Stefan Salvatore."

"That's the one"

Stefan nods and smiles weakly in acknowledgement, and Klaus turns back to Freya to address her as he pats Stefan affectionately on the back.

"Stefan needs a favor." Freya looks at Stefan suspiciously.

"You're an old "friend," are you?"

"Well... That kind of depends on your definition." Stefan smiles nervously, but Freya continues to scowl at him.

Klaus, Luna, and Elijah are talking as they walk down the staircase to the entrance call of the compound.

"Stefan Salvatore is not the problem. But, if you are so determined to find foe amongst friends, then look no further than Marcel. After all, did he not steal Jackson's heart and deliver it to the very people bent on harming us?"

"Marcel is the least of our troubles."

"Believe it or not Klaus, Elijah's right."

They all continue their argument in the courtyard.

"The Strix would still be clamoring over Hayley's heart if it weren't for Marcel."

ᵐᵒᵒⁿˢ ▸ 𝐊𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐒 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍 ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora