Road Trip ~ Klaine AU

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Hour 1.

"Whoo! Road trip!"

"Blaine, honey, you're gonna make her excited, then she'll never sleep," Kurt complained to his husband. Blaine huffed, as Kurt started the car and pulled away. 4 hours left... Yay.

"Killjoy. She'll be fine. You know her! She always sleeps anyway."

"Of course I know her, you idiot," he scorned playfully. "She's our daughter."

They both glanced back admiringly when Audrey giggled and cooed.

"You know, I still don't think that we have thanked Rachel enough for such a gorgeous baby."

"Oh, I do. That b-word has had enough congratulations to boost her already sky-high ego up another five notches."

"She does make beautiful babies, Kurt."

"No, that's all you." The countertenor glanced at daughter through the mirror by his face and admired her raven coloured ringlets and her olive skin.

"Awww!" And they shared a chaste kiss. Kurt was driving after all.

Hour 2.

"Kurt. Kurt. Kurt. Kuuuuurt!" Blaine taunted, prodding his husband's right cheek.

"What is it, Blaine?"

"I am so bored!"

"So am I, daddy!"

Blaine smirked and playfully copied his daughter. "So am I, daddy."

Kurt huffed and rolled his eyes. "You two will be the death of me. Listen, if you want to go and see Auntie Rachel and Uncle Jessie in LA, then we need to just get through this darn journey, despite the length of it."

"Can't we just stop for a while? It's twelve-thirty and I'm really hungry."

Audrey clapped her hands: "Ooh, daddy, papa, there's a Taco Bell!"

Blaine used his puppy dog eyes. "Fine! Ugh. I hate you both."

Blaine high-fived his daughter. Puppy dog eyes always win.

Hour 3.

"Blaine, I seriously think that we should have this conversation a little later. Perhaps when we don't have to worry about a sleeping Audrey."

"No, Kurt. I think that we really need to talk about this now. You always do this! You procrastinate and procrastinate important conversations, and it just makes us both angrier and angrier. So let's just talk about this."

"Oh, just cut it out!" Kurt couldn't help but tear his eyes from the road, only glancing occasionally. Now he was pissed. He stopped the car at the traffic light. "I hate how you always minimalise everything, and always try and promote yourself as the hero. Guess what, Blaine, you're not the hero. Maybe you were in high school, but we're not in high school anymore! Speaking of which, you seem to be reverting back to the 'good old times'. Don't think that I haven't noticed you staring at other men's asses!"


"No! I'm so done with this! I hate this! I don't care about all that 'I won't cheat on you again' bullshit, because it is so obvious that you never really meant that."

"Kurt! Watch the r-"

"No, Blaine Anderson-Hummel! Don't you dare interrupt me. I'm not finished!"

Without warning, Blaine slammed his lips onto Kurt's and whispered a final 'I love you'.

Then everything was black, and the Anderson-Hummels were in an upturned car, only one small, orphaned body moving.

"Daddy? Papa?"


MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYBODY! Well, this isn't too merry, but meh.

I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas day. If you don't celebrate it, then I hope you're enjoying your well deserved holiday (or vacation, if you're not a Brit, such as myself).

And I hope you enjoyed this slightly sad, but long overdue, Klaine oneshot. I do love writing these, but probably wouldn't have written it if I hadn't gained a brand new Macbook Pro. Yeah, I love it. And I may have spent a number of hours on it... oops? I can't wait to post more.

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Okay, that's all from me.

Stay groovy!

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