Rescued By You ~ Klaine AU

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"I can't help falling in love with you," Blaine sang to himself, grinning from ear to ear.

Kurt and Blaine had been scrolling through Facebook a week ago and come across a beautiful video of a man playing a ukulele and singing the song in the streets. It was such a beautiful video. They had both cried and kissed, basking in the reality of the lyrics.

I can't help falling in love with you.

Never had there been a truer statement that represented their love. Well, maybe except I will love you until my dying day, come what may. That was still pretty relevant. They would love each other no matter what. They hadn't quite discussed Beauty and the Beast, but Blaine felt it was relevant. No Matter What was't actually a song sung by Belle and Adam, but Blaine liked the lyric 'no matter what you do I'm on your side'. They would always be there for each other.

Blaine snapped himself out of his reverie and continued strumming. He had to get this perfect for Kurt. Speaking of which, where was Kurt? Blaine checked his watch. He was supposed to be here about fifteen minutes ago.

Blaine gently placed his ukulele on the bed and peered out the window. Nothing.

Kurt is never late, where could he be?

Just then, Blaine's phone jingled, and he sighed in relief when he heard it was Kurt's ringtone and saw an adorable selfie flash across the screen.

"Kurt, honey, where are you?"

"Blaine! Help m-"

Blaine's heart stilled.

"Kurt?! Kurt, what's wrong? Where are you?"

"Blaine Devon Anderson,"  voice rang out. Blaine felt his gut drop.

What the fuck is happening?, he thought.

"Who the hell is this? What have you done to Kurt? Is he okay? What do you w-"

"Ooh, so many questions," the voice interrupted. "All in good time, Blainers, all in good time." Blaine felt sick. Someone had Kurt. "Jesus, Kurt, you really have picked an overprotective one, haven't you?"

"He's there? Let me talk to him, please!"

Blaine waited in apprehension, putting the phone on speaker and recording the conversation on his laptop.

"Blaine! Blaine, help me, I'm so scared," Kurt sobbed.

"Don't worry baby. Do you know where you are?"


"Can you tell me?"

There was a short pause. "No."

Blaine hung his head. He heard Kurt sigh.


"Yes, baby?"



Blaine heard Kurt scream, and then there was silence. He started to panic.

Focus, Blaine, focus. Pavarotti. That must mean Dalton. Good. He's somewhere at Dalton. But Dalton is huge. Pavarotti could mean the Warblers' practice room, it could mean the little side room they had their first kiss in. It could have just been an inconspicuous way of telling to me to go back to Dalton. Oh my god, what do I do?

Then Blaine realised something. That voice. It's so familiar, but I just can't place it. Blaine filtered through his memories. Where is that voice from?

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