Heroes pt 2 ~ Klaine, Spiderman AU

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So this one is a bit shorter, but I think that if it were any longer, it would ruin it. Also I've included a picture of his iron suit so that you can imagine it. It's Tom's one from Endgame / Far From Home. The arms fold in, they aren't always there.

WARNINGS: CONTAINS VERY GRAPHIC INJURY DETAIL AND DESCRIPTION. CONTAINS A SPOILER FOR SPIDERMAN 1 (TOBEY MAGUIRE (og spiderman) FILM 1) AT THE END. And yes, I know that isn't how grammar works. Also yes I am mixing every single spiderman verse. What can I say, it makes me happy. Oh well.


Kurt was sitting at his bedroom desk, tapping away at his computer and absentmindedly scrolling through Twitter. He was in the middle of a Twitter war with some random idiot who didn't think that Gaga should be an icon, when he heard his window slide open.

"Blaine!" Kurt greeted, without looking over. He was used to his boyfriend entering this way. "Come and look at this idiot on Twitter. He seriously think that he knows more about gay culture than one Kurt Hummel."

When Blaine didn't answer, Kurt turned to look at him just in time for Blaine to slump to the floor.

"Oh my god, Blaine!" Kurt leapt from his chair to check on his boyfriend, taking his usual position of sitting by Blaine, with his head on Kurt's lap. Kurt took in his costume. He was never going to get used to the fact his boyfriend was Spiderman. Once he established Blaine was breathing, Kurt huffed in relief. He gently pressed the mask release button by Blaine's left ear, inspecting his face first. The boy's bottom lip was swollen and cut, huge gashes through his right eyebrow, which Kurt knew would fade within a few days, and big bruises just over his right cheekbone.

"Take off the suit, Blaine, we need to clean you up."

Deciding that forming words would use too much energy, Blaine touched the head of the little spider emblem on his chest and watched as his suit retracted. It was moments like this that the pair were appreciative of Tony Stark's infamous nano tech. Once it had gone, Blaine let his head fall back and hit the floor gently, in far too much pain to wallow in his self pity. He let out a series of pathetic sounding coughs, rolling his head from side to side and groaning once the ordeal was finished.

"Jesus, Blaine, who did you fight? A brick wall?" Kurt couldn't help but gawk at the beautiful smattering of black, blue, yellow bruises covering his boyfriend's chest, topped with the deep scarlet blood pouring from his chest, yet already scabbing at the sides of the deep wounds.

"You should see the other guy," Blaine wheezed.

"Who was it?"

"It's fine, Kurt, you have nothing to worry about." Blaine tried to comfort his boyfriend, but the failed attempt at standing up, followed by a strained scream through the teeth and retreat back to his previous position didn't exactly provide the comfort Kurt was seeking.

"Blaine Anderson, tell me who it was right now!" Kurt half yelled.

"It was Harry, alright!" Blaine shouted. Kurt was taken aback. Blaine never shouted. He watched the bruised and bleeding head roll to the side, as if it were avoiding looking at him.

"Harry? Osborne, Harry? As in your best friend Harry?"

Blaine just kept his head turned, his breathing starting to shudder, as he tried his best to swallow the pain and tears that were threatening to spring.

"Funny how murdering Harry's dad has made-"

"Blaine we have talked about this-"

"I know what you're gonna say, Kurt and I did!" Blaine cried, snapping his head towards Kurt, their eyes finally connecting.

"Blaine I can't keep seeing you like this," Kurt said, trying his best to conceal a sob. "I can't keep seeing people try to kill you." Kurt stroked over the boy's mussed and blood matted hair. All you were doing was defending yourself. This is a messy business. People are going to get hurt." Blaine mustered the strength to roll himself over so he could whimper into the floorboards of Kurt's apartment.

Kurt gently placed his hand around his boyfriend's waist, pulling him back towards him, and re-placing Blaine's head in his lap. "I love you so much."

Blaine reached up, wincing all the while, to wipe the lone tear that escaped from the chestnut haired boy's eye. Kurt nuzzled into the touch, breathing in the hero's scent. "I love you too, baby," he said shakily. "I love you too."

"Look at your beautiful body, Blaine."

"I know, but it will heal, Kurt. You know it will. It always does."

There was a long pause after that, only held by the long and loving eye contact.

"What are we going to do about Harry, Blaine?"

"I have no idea."

"Well, we'll figure it out," Kurt grabbed one of Blaine's hands, tracing along the palm and eventually slotting their fingers into their rightful place. "Together."

Blaine smiled a small smile, again reaching up to Kurt's head. But this time, he tangled his fingers around the taller boy's hair, bringing their faces together. When they were just inches away, Blaine halted. Kurt's head was craned over Blaine's. It was funny. They both looked upside down to the other. Then he gently brought their lips together, as they seamlessly fell into a rhythm.

"Blaine?" Kurt interrupted.

Blaine cocked his head, ready to listen.

"I love that you're Spiderman. But I love that you're Blaine more."

Both Blaine and Kurt showed off a shit eating grin and resumed their passionate embrace, only pausing to briefly tell the other "I love you."


I hope you enjoyed my 2am babble. Please leave me comments! Tell me what you like and don't like. It really helps me out. And don't forget to leave me suggestions I mentioned in the previous update. Mine are all horrific and I only have one so far. Love you all lots!

Part 3?

Sleep well, night monkeys.

Stay amazingly cool!

Stay groovy!

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