Fired ~ Klaine AU

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"This always happens, Kurt! Every single time I try and talk to you, I'm greeted with short, snappy answers! What are you so pissed about? You barely even talk to me!"

"Well, what do you expect from me? My job has gone to shit, you're not writing music anymore, my hairline is receding, we're in our thirties, and Rachel's damn ovaries aren't working. I refuse to be an old father, Blaine! I want a son or daughter." Kurt stared into Blaine's eyes. "I just really want to pass on my dad's wisdom to a child of our own." Unfortunately for Blaine, Kurt's sadness radiated from him, leaving a cold and heavy feeling in his gut.

"I don't think you understand how desperate I am to have a Mini-Blaine running around here."

"Kurt, I do understand. I want that too, more than anything, but we really need to sort us out right now." Kurt hung his head. "Is that what has gotten you so depressed?" A tear slipped down Kurt's hallowing cheek.

Blaine hurried to kneel in from of his husband's chair and slowly swiped the salty water away with the gentle caress of his thumb. 

"Kurt, baby, please. Just tell me what's wrong so I can help."

"You can't help with this, Blaine."

"Oh yeah? Try me," he challenged.

"I got fired, okay?!" Kurt exploded. After a very pregnant pause, he repeated himself. "I got fired."

"Oh my God, Kurt, I'm so sorry. On what grounds?"

"He said," Kurt began, trying to suppress that awful, painful lump you get in your throat before you cry, "that... he wasn't going to allow a cheap, horny faggot like me," Blaine gasped, "to work for a 'normal human' such as himself."

Blaine stood suddenly, anger rising. No one insulted Kurt like that; no one. Ever. In Blaine's mind, shit had hit the fan. "Where is the fucking bastard?"

Kurt tugged on his husband's cardigan, whispering, "Blaine, please, don't."

"Kurt, I'm not gonna let this guy walk all over you! What he said was absolutely abhorrent. How dare he!"

"Seriously, Blaine, leave it," Kurt encouraged a little louder. "This man is loaded."

"No! He had no right to say any of that shit, let alone fire you because of you being gay! That's gotta be against the law. We can get you a lawyer; they'll be the best lawyer in New York."

"With what money, Blaine? We're already ass-broke and we are trying to have a baby. We can't afford this shit. Just leave it. I'll just try to find another job."

"I am not about to leave this alone! I am your husband, Kurt!"

"Damn right you're my husband! You made a vow, Blaine. You made a vow to love me through thick and thin, not t-t-to accuse me of being uncommunicative when I'm feeling shitty! You also made a vow to trust me and respect my choices. So start respecting them!"

"I have always respected and supported you as well as your decisions. There have been absolutely zero times when I have disrespected you or what you wanted to do. You wanted to move to LA, we moved to LA; you wanted to give up your Broadway dream, and I may have voiced my thoughts that it was a bad idea, but I supported the choices you made to leave a show for which you were assured a Tony and an Oscar. But you left it. You left it for a shitty office job with a known homophobic boss because you thought it would pay better. No, you being a known, award winning performer would have brought in money."

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