Take a Bite part 3 ~ Klaine AU

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Same warnings as before boiiis


"You gotta be fucking kidding me."

"Blaine, I know this is a lot to process-"

"Too fucking right it's a lot to process, Kurt!"

Blaine could feel his anger rising. He looked down at his stirring sister in his arms, took a deep breath and felt his heartbeat decreasing. She's safe.

Kurt exchanged a look with Mercedes. She had done a fantastic job of explaining everything to Blaine. But Blaine was in denial. He wouldn't have any of it. The pair were worried about Emily. It had been hell when Kurt tried to make Blaine leave her behind.

"Blaine, come on," Kurt whispered, trying not to wake Blaine's parents and make a scene.


"Blaine, we don't have time for this. In a way, you're lucky your parents are drunks without a job and are sleeping at noon. The full moon is tonight. We have to go, and now!"

"I am not leaving my baby sister with the man that tried and nearly succeeded to kill me. Not happening. Either she comes or we both stay."

"Blaine, if she is with you when you turn, you will kill her."

Blaine walked over to Emily in her crib, scooping her up in his arms, mushing his nose against her forehead, just wanting to be close to her. "If I do this, you'll help us?" Blaine asked, pleading with his innocent little eyes.

"Blaine," Kurt decided to tread lightly. He slowly walked over to the boy, as if he were a feral animal. "You can't take her with you," he finished just as he was in arms reach of Blaine.

Suddenly in ultra-protective mode, Blaine delivered a kick to his new enemy's stomach and watched him fly across the room. Blaine suddenly went into a deep lunge and growled.

After a few seconds, he stopped, realising what he was doing. He started to sob.

Kurt walked back over to him, cradling his stomach with his arm.

"Blaine?" The boy in question raised his head, blinking the tears from his eyes. "I understand you're scared. I understand you're upset. But please, let me help you and Emily. You can stay with us at my house. Both of you. My parents will be fine with it. I mean, heck, if they can deal with living with a gay werewolf then I sure they can take on a baby and a straight werewolf."

Blaine smiled, a small huff of breath leaving his body in place of a weak laugh. "A baby and two gay werewolves."

Blaine hadn't met the Hudson-Hummels yet. The deal was Mercedes first, but they had to be quick getting back. It was going to be Blaine's first full moon tonight, and he would go absolutely crazy. Kurt was getting worried. It was getting late and he could sense that Blaine was gradually becoming more intense. AND he was still holding Emily.

"Blaine, it's time... Give me the baby."


"Blaine, you will kill her. Give me the baby."

"No. If we're truly the same then you will kill her too. She is mine."

"I was bitten when I was her age. My mom was bitten when I was two. On her first full moon, she almost killed me. She bit, scratched, clawed me. I was in the hospital for months, Blaine. I nearly died. I was in a coma and everything. My mom couldn't take the guilt and killed herself. I use my pain and anger to control my shift. I have learned after many years how to control myself. I can teach you, but you have to trust me. Give me Emily."


Kurt glanced at Mercedes apologetically, and she covered her ears.

Kurt let out an almighty roar aimed at Blaine. He felt the room shaking. Blaine couldn't help himself. He felt himself cowering in a corner and he started to cry. He kept his gaze down and held his sister out, waiting for Kurt to take her. His whole body was screaming to keep her close to him, but there was just something in him that couldn't disobey Kurt. He looked over to Mercedes and watched her doing the same thing.

"I am the alpha, Blaine. You cannot disobey me. I am in charge. You do what I say. If a member of my pack steps out of line, I have no choice but to whip them back into shape. Do you see how your actions hurt your fellow packmates?" Kurt gestured over to Mercedes. Blaine nodded furiously. Kurt was seething.

Kurt took the baby from Blaine and placed her gently in the crib they had stolen from Blaine's house.

"Good boy. Now, let's tie you up."

Blaine wasn't sure why, but he felt a wave of arousal, fear and darkness wash over him. 

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