Take a Bite ~ Klaine AU

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I've been watching a lot of Teen Wolf...

WARNINGS: violence, gay slurs, mentions of death

Blaine could feel his heart thumping rhythmically in his chest. He had no idea what, but something was definitely chasing him. He ducked behind a tree, panting, willing his shallow but heavy wheezing to be quieter. Frightened tears rolled down his cheeks, the hotness of them fogging up his glasses. Blaine brought a sleeve to his nose and wiped it, trying to keep his emotions in check. He took his inhaler out of his pocket and sprayed a puff, inhaling deeply and pushing his glasses up his nose, a nervous habit that he had picked up over the years.

Blaine waited another few seconds and hearing nothing decided to come away from his hiding spot. When he stepped out from the tree, however, he stopped in his tracks, hearing the heavy breathing from behind him. He turned slowly, not particularly wanting to hear whatever was making the noise behind.

Blaine had no idea what to think when he saw what looked like a dog. A really big dog. Blaine went rigid. He took off his glasses to clean them, as he could barely see through the haze his own sweat had created. He was almost relieved when he put his glasses back on until it slowly stood on two legs.

"Please," Blaine begged. "Please, don't hurt me. Please. Just leave me alone." Blaine found himself gasping again and reached for his inhaler, slowly pulling it from his pocket. It had reached around sternum height when the beastly shape morphed into what looked human. Blaine dropped it in his shock and froze. His eyes met with the cold blue ones before him. He barely had time to acknowledge that whatever was standing in front of him was beautiful... and naked. Blaine took a step backwards, his foot snapping a twig behind him. The monster growled, bearing two enormous fangs. Blaine let out another sob. "I won't tell anyone. Just let me go. Please, I have a baby sister. I'm the only one who can look after her. Please, she's only two."

The eyes of the man stopped glowing. They were still a piercing blue, and Blaine felt trapped by them.

It all happened so quickly. Before he could even register what was going on, Blaine was on the floor, cradling his wrist, staring wide-eyed at the blue-eyed monster crouched over him, fangs bared, long claws threatening to rip him to pieces.

It wasn't until he registered the thing was no longer looming above him that he realised he had been holding his breath. Blaine removed his hand from his wrist and saw the blood pouring from it. Blaine couldn't do blood. He went lightheaded and passed out.

What he hadn't realised was... Kurt hadn't gone. He had stayed and watched Blaine. He glowed his eyes again, scanning for Blaine's phone through the mud and leaves of the forest floor. He picked it up, and sure enough, there was a live feed of a baby's crib on the phone. Kurt felt guilty. He just wanted someone like him. That poor toddler. Kurt couldn't look at the innocent little infant any longer. He pocketed the phone, feeling sick with himself.

Kurt walked back over to Blaine, feeling his foot hit something hard. The inhaler. He picked up both Blaine and the inhaler and started walking towards the house he had watched the boy leave.

"I will not have a faggot living under my roof, Linda!"

"Paul, darling, please keep your voice down."

"He is sixteen! He barely knows what a dick is for!"

"Fifteen," came a whispered voice.

"What did you just say to me?"

"He is fifteen," Linda said, just a bit louder.

'No,' Blaine thought. 'Not this memory. Any memory but this memory.'

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