Famous ~ Klaine AU Prompt

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"Blaine, Blaine, Blaine, Blaine, Blaine!" Tina almost screeched, as she knocked on his, Sam's and Finn's door.

Sam woke up and immediately glared at Blaine, who was still asleep.

"Tina, get lost! He's sleeping!"

"Wake him up then!"

Sam shrugged, no longer bothering with trying to go back to sleep, and lobbed a pillow at his best friend.

"Blaine, get your ass up! Your hag needs you."

Blaine groaned in response and tried to throw the pillow back at Sam, but missed him by miles.

"That was a pathetic throw, Blaine. Rachel could probably do better."

Finn stirred at the name of his girlfriend, but then flopped back to sleep. Blaine stared at him wistfully, wishing he could go back to sleep. But now wasn't the time. He had to get ready.

Blaine huffed and answered the door, being greeted by a fully made-up Tina.

"Blaine, we talked about this. You agreed you'd be ready by nine o clock!"

"Yeah, I guess I did." Blaine checked his watch to see how late he was, and his jaw dropped open.

"Tina, we agreed nine, not seven thirty!"

She giggled, and Sam groaned.

"I know. I couldn't help myself. I am so excited! Plus, I love your morning hair."

Blaine closed his eyes and threw his head back in annoyance, screwing up his eyes.

He forgot about his mess of a bed-head.

"Tina, leave. I'm getting ready now. I'll knock on your door when I'm done."

She held up her forefinger in objextion, but Blaine shut the door in her face, too tired to care.

As time went on, however, Blaine got increasingly excited. He was going to be seeing his boyfriend of almost a year in the next few hours. No one knew this, though, so when Blaine knocked on Tina's door in his skinniest jeans, a polo top that hugged his biceps and chest in all the right places, boat shoes and a bowtie, asking after Tina, Rachel and Mercedes thought that Blaine was going to be coming out as straight. He and Tina both looked quite fancy; everyone assumed that they were going on a date.

Blaine had made his hair stick to his head less by leaving out some of the gel and left it a little fluffier, perfect for his boyfriend to run his hands through.

He took Tina by the arm and escorted her out of the building and into the busy streets of Manhattan.

"Blaine, for someone who claims not to like Les Misérables, you're awfully chipper," Tina pointed out.

"Well, like you, I'm excited to see Kurt Hummel as one Marius Pontmercy! Since you invited me, I did some research into him and I love his voice."

What Blaine didn't tell Tina was that he was actually excited to see Kurt as Marius because he had helped him with his auditions for it.

"You know," Tina inquired, changing the subject, "I really hope that Sam and Finn don't tell Mr Schue that we escaped from our hotel room to see a Broadway show. We are supposed to be rehearsing for Nationals, after all."

Blaine gave Tina a defiant look.

"Screw Schue! I'm here to have fun with my best friend!" Tina gave Blaine a shy smile. "You look beautiful, by the way." She blushed and turned away.

"You don't look too bad yourself."

The pair of them walked down the walk of fame, arms still linked and chatted. When it reached lunch time, they escaped to a little retro diner called The Spotlight Diner.

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