Strong ~ Klaine AU

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Short and full of danger. Just like me. *terrible wink*

Inspired by Die Hard, James Bond and The Umbrella Academy. Oh and a tiny bit of Spies are Forever... hold on lads it's gonna be intense

WARNING: there are so many. Blood, torture, physical and emotional, gore. You get it. 


Strike. And another. Blaine's hands were tied above his head, the rest of his body dangling below. Gravity was doing its job, and Blaine felt it becoming impossible to breathe. With every each deep laceration to his bare back, Blaine was in agony. 

Think, Blaine, think. Think of your training. But he couldn't think. The torture too intense, the pain too great, the guilt too strong. M had told him. She told him to flank to the left. But all Blaine had been focusing on was the image of Kurt's pleading eyes and the gun against his temple. Blaine blinked back tears. 

Your training, Blaine, think of your training! 

Then it suddenly struck him. In the academy, they don't train you to die. 

He couldn't hold it back anymore. Memories of Kurt flooded through his mind, just his smiling face over and over, playing in his mind like a movie. Then suddenly his mind flickered to his children and their little faces beaming up at him. They were so young, 2 and 4, yet so damaged. Toby was mute. He had been beaten within an inch of his life. They fought long and hard for Toby. The adoption agency had been reluctant to hand a then three-year-old selective mute to two first time fathers, but the pair had fallen in love, and sometimes Toby even audibly laughed around them. But Marie. Marie was still a baby. Just one back then. She was left on the doorstep of a children's home. She wouldn't be put down. She was the polar opposite of Toby, yet they played so well. Around each other, they were just two beautiful humans, playing like nothing was wrong, playing without a care in the world. 

Blaine's thoughts were interrupted by another lash to the back. He screamed through gritted teeth. 

"I can do this all day, Anderson. Just tell me where Mi5 is hiding my damn bomb!" shouted the man.

Blaine just spat on the floor in defiance.

Surging toward Blaine, the man's dagger stopped less than an inch from his throat. Blaine let out a panicked cry, before realising he'd stopped and let out a sigh of relief. Except it hadn't. 

In one swift movement, the knife was plunged into Blaine's abdomen, engulfed by the surrounding flesh and muscle tissue. Blaine's head hung, barely letting out a wheeze, as blood trickled from his mouth and down his chin. 

"You're pathetic," he punched him in the face. "Weak." Another. "And thanks to me... you'll soon be dead." Blaine felt like a teenager again - being made to feel like nothing just because someone else wanted to feel like something. 

"It's a shame your weasel of a husband isn't here to protect you. Not that he could. If I saw him, I'd kill him too." Blaine could feel the foul criminal's breath brushing over his face, punctuating every word. He reached around the back of Blaine's head, yanking it by the hair. Blaine let out another cry. 

"Just kill me, you sick fuck."

The man's snarl curled into an evil grin. 

"Certainly. I'll kill you. Then I'll kill your husband. And those pathetic children of yours? Maybe I'll kill them too." He paused. "Or... maybe I'd keep them. I could force them to do anything I wanted. They'd be my little slaves. I could turn them into killing machines."

"Like hell you will!" 

Before Blaine or Sergio could even register where the voice came from, shots rang out, bouncing from the walls. Blaine's vision was starting to blur, his eyes drooping.

As soon as Sergio was down, Kurt rushed to Blaine, slicing the ropes.

"Blaine. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck Blaine please. Look at me, Blaine, come on. I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. Please just talk to me." Kurt was cradling his face, checking his breathing, aggressively rubbing over his cheeks to try to get the blood pumping. "It's okay, Blaine, you're gonna be okay." Kurt picked him up and flung him over his shoulder. A gun in his outstretched arm, Kurt made his way through the maze that was the national bank.

"They had me, baby. They had a gun to my head. But I fought them. I fought them for you. They showed me. Everything they did and said, I saw it and I'm so sorry I couldn't get away sooner. But I'm here. I stole one of their radios. I've been in contact with the cops outside. There's an ambulance waiting for you, baby. Nancy is already at the hospital waiting for us with the kids." Seconds passed, and Kurt saw the exit. He flung the doors open.

"Don't shoot! It's Agent Hummel. Help me with him!"

Paramedics and officers alike rushed to take Blaine from Kurt. Kurt holstered his gun, and shook his husband, who was now lying on the gurney. 

"Blaine, baby, we did it." After no response, Kurt repeated. "Blaine, honey, look, we're outside." Kurt listened for breath but couldn't hear anything. "B-Blaine?" Kurt felt for a pulse and felt nothing. 

"No," Kurt sighed shakily. 

"No," he said a bit stronger. 

"NO!" Kurt screamed, delivering a firm hit to the chest. With a sudden inhale, air rushed back through Blaine's lungs, whilst he coughed and spluttered, wincing and screaming through the pain from his injuries. 

Kurt and Blaine's boss appeared by the sides of the emotional couple. "Looks like academy training came into use after all, huh?"

As Blaine was loaded into the ambulance, M gave a sigh. "Anderson, Hummel... however long it takes to recover, I want you both back. You're damn good agents."


Thanks for putting up with my hiatus... again.

Hope you enjoyed 

Stay Groovy!

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