Heroes pt3 ~ Klaine, Spiderman AU

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Continuation of my Spiderman fanfic. Set mostly in Tom Holland's Spider-verse but have kind of nabbed parts from all of them. For example the Harry Osborne storyline from Andrew Garfield and one of the battles from Tom Holland's verse in this one. Basically, if you're not a spiderman person just go with it. 

In this one, Kurt meets Tony and it's just totes emosh. 

Important note at the end.


"Tony Stark!" Kurt yelled, charging towards his office, "I need to speak to you right now!"

"Hey! You! You can't go in there without an appointment!" Kurt had attracted a lot of attention going through the Avengers Base and had multiple security guards running after him. Seeing that he was just a kid with absolutely no threat, they couldn't open fire on him. If they were honest, they knew full well who Kurt was. They had to listen to Blaine Anderson go on and on about him. They had to keep face, but they were sort of excited to see how this was all going to down. Protective boyfriend versus asshole billionaire.

Finally, Kurt got to the office and burst through the doors to see Blaine and Tony having a heated debate about Blaine's new spidey suit.

"Kurt, what the hell are you doing here?!" Blaine rushed to his boyfriend's side seeing how mad he was.

Tony Stark 'subtly' shoved the prototypes for the new suit off his desk, "Yes, Blaine we need to talk about post-it notes. I need more and you should do that because that's what interns do," he tried to cover badly. His acting was so rusty that Kurt was sure the Tin Man could've done better. "Blaine this must be your boyfriend!"

"First of all, Tony-"

"It's Mr Stark to you, kid-"



"I know that Blaine is Spiderman. That's why I'm here. I need to talk to you."

"Kurt, baby, what are you doing? You're gonna blow this for me." Blaine pleaded, less annoyed and more hurt. He loved his job, and he wouldn't trade it for anything. Blaine grabbed at Kurt's hand and rubbed over his knuckles with his thumb.

Tony was surprised. Blaine had always been a bold, brave kid. He had never really seen him vulnerable.

"I'm here because I need to say something that Blaine is too engrossed in this whole world to say. He can't do this anymore."

"Kurt! Stop! Please-"

As much as his heart hurt at the sound of Blaine's pleading, he had to do this. For Blaine's own good.

"You can't make him do this, Mr Stark, it's too dangerous. Blaine has nearly died four times on your stupid missions! You give him a ridiculous suicide mission and then don't talk to him for months. You are emotionally manipulative and a horrible role model."

"Mr Stark, please don't listen to him. I love this, I love being Spiderman. I am happy."

"I bet you don't even care about Blaine. I bet you wouldn't even care if he died doing something that you couldn't be bothered to do yourself. He told me about that time he had to do a mission and he nearly drowned. He is 16 years old!"

"I know that!"

"Then for god's sake, act like an adult and stop putting his life in danger!"

"ENOUGH!" Tony roared.

Everything stopped.

The only sound in the room was Blaine sniffling behind Kurt and trying to hide his uneven breaths. Blaine was heartbroken. He felt betrayed by Kurt. He knew he was just looking out for him, but Kurt knew how much this job meant to him. It was apparent that it was out of caring, but Blaine couldn't help feeling hurt.

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