Help me! ~ Klaine AU

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Kurt tapped his foot impatiently.

Where the hell is Blaine?

He checked his phone again. No texts, no calls, and seventeen minutes late. What could his excuse possibly be this time? he pondered whilst standing at the end of a dark, dank alleyway next to Breadstix (the restaurant we had agreed to meet at).

Blaine and he had been dating for an entire year to this day. He couldn't be blowing me off now, could he?
Okay, Kurt, you have got to get better with your phrasing.

"Hey, you!" Kurt spun on the spot. Who could that be now?

"Yeah you. With the sexy ass," the stranger slurred.

Kurt noted the man's nearing proximity and shuddered, stepping further away. The issue with doing this in an alley, however, is that it is narrow, therefore meaning that Kurt only took about two paces before he was trapped.

"S-s-stay away from m-me."

The man pushed himself up against the teenager. Kurt gagged at the foul stench of his breath.

"My boyfriend is a boxer. I'm waiting for him. He's super protective. He'll kill you if you hurt me!"

Tears poured from Kurt's eyes, as the man thrust his lips upon Kurt's and his hand down the front of Kurt's skin tight trousers. The young boy writhed, twisted and turned his head in attempt to be rid of his attacker, but to no avail.

The man moved his hands to unbutton Kurt's shirt, accidentally ripping it at the same time. Once completed, his hands shifted to the button on his pants.

"Please! NO! HELP! BLAI-" he was cut off by a fist raining down on his jaw. He dropped to the floor.


Both Kurt and the drunkard turned to face the voice.

Blaine charged at the man, slamming the limp and dirty body into the wall. "Hey," he slurred, "get your own good fuck!"

"What the fuck do you think you're doing with my boyfriend?!"

The guy sucked in a sharp breath. "You're the boxer?"

"You fucking bet I'm the boxer, you filthy, foul fiend. If you don't get out of here, I will go all MMA on your ass!"

The man scuttled off, and Blaine smirked triumphantly, until he heard a whimper from a few feet away.

"Holy shit! Kurt!" Blaine ran to his boyfriend and started to inspect him. He noted the torn shirt, unbottoned jeans and already brusing jaw. "What happened, baby?"

Blaine's heart wrenched, as all Kurt could utter was the beginning of his boyfriend's name and few starting words of a sentence; nothing coherent whatsoever.

"It's okay, baby, I understand," he told his shivering lover. "Do you want me to take you home?"

Kurt nodded absently.

The car ride home was eerily silent except for sobs and sniffles, and the air was thick with Blaine's anger and Kurt's fear.

Upon arrival, Blaine carried Kurt in like a princess, attracting the attention of the Hudson-Hummels.

"Kurt?! Anderson, what the hell happened to my son?"

"Sir, I can explain-"

"I thought you had a date night!"

"We did, but-"

"If you have done something, I swear to god-"

"Can I talk to you in the kitchen please, Sir?"

Burt sighed and followed his son's boyfriend into the kitchen.

"What happened, Blaine? The truth."

"I got to Breadstix just as someone was trying to rape him, Sir," Blaine informed, words broken by the huffs of breath belonging to his cries.

Burt also cried, covering his hands with his face.

"Blaine, if this is your version of some kind of a sick joke-"

"Mr Hummel, I really wish it was... I am so sorry. This was my fault. I was late. I was about twenty minutes late. I was busy setting up this beautiful picnic on the roof, and I-"

"Blaine, calm down-" But Blaine wasn't listening.

"I'm such an idiot. I was so caught up in what I was doing, and I lost track of time completely, and-"

"Son, you have to-"

"And it was all so romantic and gorgeous, and I just-"

"Blaine!" He froze. "You had no way of knowing. You mustn't blame yourself! Honestly, I admire your-"

Just then, a scream broke the mood. Blaine knew that scream anywhere. He darted to Kurt, completely forgetting about Burt.

"He won't let me touch him!" Carole cried.

Kurt was still screaming until Blaine came into view. The shorter teen hugged him until the screams turned into hysterical crying, which turned into sobbing, which eventually progressed into sleeping.

He still refused to let go. He just clung onto his boyfriend's neck. Burt, for the first time allowed them to sleep in the same room as each other. Apparently it was 'because they weren't capable of doing anything pregnant physically or mentally'.

Blaine just held his boyfriend for the rest of the night.

Baby, I'm so sorry this happened to you. Never again. I won't let anyone hurt you ever again. I love you.


Am I sorry? No.

Will I do that kind of thing again? Probably not.

Will I do angst again? You betcha.

So how y'all doing?

I'm immensely tired right now, so I'm going to sleep.

Bye, beans!

Stay groovy!

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