Dave Karofsky ~ Klaine AU

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"Hey fag!"

Before Kurt had time to turn away from his locker in what he thought was an empty hallway and look for the voice, he was shoved into it and pushed to the ground. He tried to push himself up again, but his bully rested his foot on Kurt's chest, crushing his ribs hard.

Karofsky loved the panic in his victim's eyes. He loved the control. He smirked as he watched his enemy squirm.

"Oh, Hummel. So weak. So dainty. Such a fucking fairy." Kurt's jaw tightened, but Karofsky saw this sudden brazenness and pushed down harder with his foot.

Kurt let out an anguished cry.

"There's no one here to hear you scream Hummel," he jaunted terrifyingly. His voice was low and sinister. Kurt was shaking like a leaf.

"Please Karofsky, have a heart, please!" Kurt begged. Karofsky laughed, picking Kurt up and pinning him up against a locker, raising him so his feet were off the ground.

"I do have a heart. But none of it sympathises with a fag like you."

"Hey, asshole!" Karofsky turned his head, Kurt closed his eyes, choking, terrified it was another of his bully's gang. He recognised that voice but he couldn't place it. "I'm surprised you know what that word means."

Kurt opened his eyes in shock. Maybe this wasn't one of his gang.

There wasn't time for him to register where the mystery guy was, as Karofsky slammed him to the ground. His shoulder hit first and then his head smacked down afterwards. Kurt was in so much pain that he couldn't even feel it to start off with. His head felt funny. All he could hear was this ringing sound, which turned into everything sounding like it was underwater. He touched his temple to try and ease his headache and winced. When he brought his hand back around to his fuzzy eyes, he saw so much blood. Kurt screamed, staring at his hand.

Karofsky and the mystery guy stopped fighting. The mystery guy was winning. He delivered one last punch around the jaw and fell to the floor.

The mystery guy checked Karofsky's pulse then ran towards Kurt.

"Kurt! Kurt! Oh my god," he was desperately sobbing. "Baby, keep your eyes open for me? Okay, just keep them open. You're gonna be okay." He got his phone out and dialled.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"My boyfriend was attacked by a bully and he's bleeding from his head. Oh my god there's so much blood. Please hurry!"

"Is he breathing?"

"Fuck! No he's just stopped breathing. His eyes are closed."

"Please try to remain calm, sir, does he have a pulse? You can check this by placing your forefinger and middle finger on the right side of his neck."

"Yes but it's really weak."

"How old is he sir?"


"An ambulance is already on its way, sir please stay calm."

"Stay calm? Stay calm!! How can I stay calm when my boyfriend is dying?"

The man heard the sirens and ran outside to point them in the right direction.

"He's in here, please help, he's not breathing!"

"It's okay, we've got this under control. Wait, everyone there's another body over here!"

"No, don't you dare help him first, he's the one who caused all this. He's been beating Kurt up, sending him death threats, spreading rumours, making the entire school tease Kurt. Trust me, he's breathing, I checked."

All but one of the paramedics crowded around Kurt and started working, but the last stayed with Blaine for questioning.

"So, what happened here?"

"Karofsky was beating Kurt up. When I got here, he was pinned up against a locker. Karofsky was strangling him and his feet were off the ground. Kurt was slammed to the ground."

"So how did this guy get like this?" He asked, pointing at Karofsky.

Blaine stuttered nervously. "W-well I-I- don't um know?"

"The truth, son."

"I'm Kurt's boyfriend. I've also dealt with a lot of bullies in my past and the thought of someone hurting him? God it makes me so angry. I get angry. Fast. And I box to get rid of my anger. But I wasn't attacking I was defending Kurt. Karofsky has also come after me but he's never dared to mess with me. Kurt and I are different. He's shorter than me, has less muscle than me. He can't stand up to people. Please don't get me wrong, he's the most amazing guy ever, but when it comes to bullies he can't cope on his own. He needs protecting until he can really come out of his shell. I know he'll be strong, I know he'll be able to stand up for himself soon. But right now he needs someone to say 'no, enough's enough'. I guess in short, I did it. I know it was the wrong thing to do, but I-"

"Hey," the man stopped. "You did good kid. Kurt is lucky to have someone like you. What's your name, kid?"

"Blaine. Blaine Anderson."

"Ready to go, Chief?" Another voice called. Kurt was stable and loaded in the ambulance.

"Wanna come with in the ambulance, Blaine?"



Well that was an adventure. 

I'M BACK!! YAY!! I DID A THING!! #sorryit'sshit

Okay so as you know, things have been rough. I had to quit my job yesterday because I found out that the majority of the workforce likes to get high and break into places. My boss has been stealing from the store and was two hours late for work the other day because he was arrested. Pretty serious shit. So I decided I didn't want to be involved in that. I was also wrongly accused of refusing to change my gloves (I work in Subway and we have to wear gloves) when a vegan lady came in and of calling her a bitch. So that was enough of that.

Not much else has changed. I had my one year anniversary with my boyfriend a couple days ago which was cool.

So yeah that's me now. I hope you all are doing well.

Oh I almost forgot!

Stay groovy!

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