Take a Bite part 2~ Klaine AU

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WARNING TIME: mentions of abuse, and just feeling generally useless.

"You... what are you doing here?"

"Blaine, it's fine, I'm here to help you."

"Help me?!" Blaine cried, incredulously. How do you even know my name?"

Kurt sighed and picked up a name tag with the boy's name on it and a Lima Bean logo. He tossed it to Blaine. "Lucky guess."

Blaine let out a shuddering breath of disbelief.

"Why are you doing this to me? What do you want?"

"I want to not be alone all the time!"

Blaine stood a little straighter. "What?"

Kurt hung his head shamefully.

"You don't understand, Blaine..." Kurt paused. "You don't understand how lonely this life is when you have no one to share it with."

"That doesn't give you an excuse to-"

"I know. I know it doesn't but-"

"You have ruined everything for me! And I don't even know your name."

"Kurt. My name's Kurt." Their eyes met and Blaine felt like he couldn't breathe.

"Wait..." Blaine paused, panic rising. "Where is Emily?"


"Emily! My fucking sister!" Blaine screamed, his rage suddenly overcoming him. He was so angry that he didn't even realise he was pinning Kurt to a wall with an arm across his neck. "If you have hurt her, I will rip your throat out!"

"She's okay. You're too dangerous right now. She is in with your parents."

Blaine had never moved quicker. Kurt felt as if he had only blinked and Blaine had disappeared. Luckily a council flat wasn't exactly big, so Blaine was easy to find. He was already in the room, attempting to gently scoop her from his parents' bed, one arm under her butt and his other hand cradling her head, stroking at the little fuzz of hair gently.

Kurt was agog as Blaine walked out of the room with her calmly.

"I have never seen that before."

"Seen what?"

"Your heart rate was ridiculous. If a human's heart was beating that fast they would be hospitalised. But as soon as you held her, you calmed down. She is your anchor. She is what keeps you human. I use anger and pain. Anger and pain make me human. But you... let me take you to my friend, Mercedes. She's a werewolf too. She can help."


"Yeah... a werewolf."

"I'm sorry, this has got to be one giant joke. Hilarious, but can we stop now?"



"Blaine, you have to accept this."

"Next you're going to tell me about your vampires, ghosts, banshees, hell hounds," Blaine joked.

Kurt just dropped his head.

Blaine laughed humourlessly. "You are insane."

"Yes I am. For turning you the night before a full moon. Come on, there's so much I need to teach you. I can help you. You can control it."

Blaine could feel his panic rising. "Stop, just STOP!"

He took some deep breaths, nose deep in Emily's neck. He found it comforting.

"Blaine... I am so sorry about all of this. I know I had no right, but you need to get this under control."

"I want you to help me, I really do. But I can't leave Emily alone."

"Blaine, they are her parents, I'm sure-"

Blaine put the child down on the sofa, ripped his shirt over his head and watched as Kurt gasped at the scars that littered it.

"They are bad people, Kurt. The only reason that we are here is because we cannot physically be anywhere else. There is nowhere else."

"Blaine. Come stay with me, my parents, my brother. They will love you, they will take care of you. They are not like us, but they know about me. They're kind."

"They will help me?"

"Always. Okay?"


Hope you enjoyed part 2! It's short but took me forever to write!

Stay groovy!

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