Blaine Comes Out ~ Klaine AU

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"Dad... can I please talk to you about something?"

"What is it, Blaine?

"There's something I need to tell you."

'Don't say it, Blaine.'

"And I'm not sure how you're going to react..."

"Spit it out, I'm a very busy man."

'Oh no. Here we go.'

Blaine studied his father's expression. He looked tured and disinterested. He should have waited, but he just couldn't. Blaine needed release and clarity.

"Dad," he began, "I have been searching within myself for a long time. Trust me when I say that I haven't taken this subject lightly at all. I just feel like I have been living a lie for a good five years, and it's finally time to tell you something that is very sensitive and new for me."

Blaine's dad gave him the 'just get on with it' look.

"I love you so much, dad, and I really don't want this to cause any tension or conflict between us."

James Anderson noted his son's seriousness and stared into his eyes. "I love you too, Blaine. But please just get to the point."

"Dad, I'm gay. I'm gay. And I have a boyfriend. His name is Kurt Hummel and I love him more than anything else in this world or beyond."

Blaine studied the passive golden eyes of his father and shuddered. 'Shit.'

"Blaine... I understand that you don't really have a relationship with your brother, but if this is your way of feeling like you have him again, it is crazy. It's disgusting, crazy and plain wrong. We can get you treatment, Blaine." The boy's heart sank. Why couldn't his parents be accepting, like his boyfriend's?

"Dad, I don't need fixing, or medicine, or therapy. I need your acceptance. Please, dad."

Blaine's dad took no notice.

"I also need to get rid of this Kurt kid!"

Blaine screamed in horror and anguish, throwing himself at James' feet.

"No! Please, dad, please! Don't hurt him. Do what you want to me, but don't touch Kurt."

James was horrified. His son begging? Weak little bastard.

"So he's what you're gonna respond to, huh?"

Blaine's eyes widened significantly, and he remained on his knees, sitting back on his heels, letting it all soak in.

"Where's Kurt, Blaine?" he utterd darkly.

Blaine didn't respond.

"Perhaps I should be more specific. I'll say it one more time. Then things are going to get ugly. Where does Kurt live?"

Blaine's body quaked in fear and apprehension.

Without warning, he thrust Blaine's body onto the ground and delivered a swift kick to his abdomen. Blaine grunted at the connection, attempting to curl up, his father not allowing him, with constant blows.

After about five more, his grabbed his son's curly hair, and brought his face right up close to his. "Listen here, you little shit. You're going to tell me right now, or you will never see him again."

James Anderson studied his son's face. It was contorted into the most pained expression, tears tracking down his bright red cheeks. He felt sympathy for his seventeen year old, but knew that he was doing the right thing. He couldn't have his son a fag. That was no life. He would never be able to get married, or have children. He would face a life full of ignorance and hate. No, James couldn't let his son live such a shitty life. Kurt had to go.

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